Author Topic: Making your power led swap BRIGHTER  (Read 10661 times)

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Making your power led swap BRIGHTER
« on: January 31, 2009, 12:23:27 PM »
Making your power led swap BRIGHTER

I figured this out today while staring at my powerboards sucky brightness from the white power led. I have heard you could bridge the resistor but that would be pumping loads into my leds and blowing them into oblivion... Then I got it... add my own resistor and I can run it at the voltage I desire.

So here is how to do this mod, it is customisable for every 0603 led all you need are the specs on the led to caculate the resistor value.

Parts Needed
  • PSP powerboard with swaped power led
  • An appropriate resistor(If you are not comfortable with Ohms law use this
  • some 30awg wire
  • solder

Tools Needed
  • Soldering Iron
  • hot glue gun

Difficulty rating: 2/5

Average Time to Complete: i.e 10-20mins

Alot of this is about the accurate caculation of the resistor and placement of this resistor so it doesn't obstruct the inner workings of the psp.

Step By Step Tutorial
1- Firstly this is how it was before the mod. Yep we've all seen them dull led swaps.

2- gather your parts: Powerboard (Duh!), Solder (my ultra thin ), your caculated resistor and some 30awg wire (not shown).

3- De solder the wire running from the led to the positive pad, at the pad end.

4- Trim your resistor legs and solder that wire you just de soldered to one end of the resistor. Then solder another peice of 30awg to the other leg and solder that peice to the positive pad.

So you should end up with a resistor between the led and the positive pad. Hot glue it in place I sugest here.

5- Now remove or bridge the top smt smt resistor. (or attempt to bridge and accedently remove :laughing:) *If you remove it bridge the two pads with some solder*

now plug it in and test it out there should be a considerable improvement.

FAQ/ Troubleshooting
  • got dimmer or doesn't even turn on!!
you didn't bridge the top smt resistor going to the power led properly

  • Now my led is to bright
put a larger resistor into the circut
  • etc
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 11:07:13 AM by laxboy »
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