its been done already Sleeper ULTIMATE "Video Will be Added Later This Week"
dual Rapid fire 4 mode with rapid reload for COD 4 on X all sleeper no switches
This is not a easy Install 
With the Advanced option you can add Leds to the X Y A B and the Dome and can be turned on /off
buy the press of any switch you wish
and there is non-sleeper version with Sniper Hold Zoom Option 
I'm not Selling these as a Kit .. so it can only be bought as a premod or by sending me your controller for an install.
Also here The New 3 wire Pro .. which for those people who want Rapid fire On a Switch With Mode select rather then
rapid fire on the trigger. There are 3 output so rapid fire can be used for any Button or trigger so 2 of them can be left and right
trigger and the 3rd one can be for B or A or what ever button you want ... none of the current speed
works on Gears of War 2 for Chainsaw Battle i have tested .. so don't ask its is too fast or too slow ..
and if you pick too fast like mode one the game will not see the button press and if pick too slow you
lose every time .. still working on it should have update for GW2 B button speed soon ..