Author Topic: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.  (Read 12811 times)

Offline TheZap

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Re: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2009, 09:41:57 AM »
With the mic, their usually only 2 pins, im not entirely sure but Ive seen it done before

With the camera, by law, the companys have to make datasheets of the product (Dad told me) and that they will show every component they have, their pins etc

Theoritacally if you can match the pins, and it has the same specifications, and you are good in programming to place some kind of PIC and make it think its a go cam, it can be done. But to be honest, its easier just to buy a gocam and disasemble it. Even i have one though that I bought ages ago, very rarely use it though so I might dissasemble it for fun and install it (Nobody ever buys them though)

Also about the motor, f00F00 did it a while ago, but it was more or a proof of concept, he had a motherboard, screen and breadboard with a circuit on it, never installed it/finished it into a psp though. But now thanks to the 2n2222 transistor, you can connect a vibrator to it, although make sure you pick one that turns on with about 3v or have their max near 4v
Aw man.. I dont want to buy a GoCam.. to much money fro me to risk...
and its a little too big for what Im looking for.. =.=, o well, I guess I dont need a camera...

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2009, 09:59:52 AM »
Like I said, the cam can be installed inside while retaining the umd drive. Then the size of it dosent really matter. But I understand why you wouldent want it sticking off the top.

You can get one of those tiny vibrators at radioshack for $3.99 a piece. They are 3 volt.
The transistors can also be found there. You can get a pack of 15 for a dollar somthing that contains 2, 2n2222 transistors.
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Offline TheZap

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Re: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2009, 01:46:52 PM »
Once again, thanks for the advice.. Im kind of slow  :laughing:
New problem
I was playing my PSP in class ( dont ask ) and i just noticed a problem with my idea, well 1 prob is some1 is trying to steal my plans =.=, but thats not important now, the real important thing is that the screen is a little to big

The red line is about the size of the screen, I remembered that when I opened the PSP up that the buttons for Home, volume, ect were on top of the screen, so I have to move those with it and extend that as well, the small ribbon will be a bit twisted unless I use wires for that I guess... but the select button goes threw then I noticed that if I were to cut it from the select and home button, It would go threw the [] and -> button  :fear:
A little problem here, so Im going to have to find away to redisighn that I guess..
Until that, I guess this will; be held back a little more =.=
Only few S#!*** solution for now, but also harder.. I have to either reshape the home, and select buttons, or make the whole top slide, but then I will have to extend everything o.o, although that will look a little cool, but maybe looks better if the screen only slides..
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 03:49:50 PM by TheZap »

Offline folklord36

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Re: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2009, 03:49:00 PM »
Your idea? LOL you took the idea from a picture you saw and someone else has already started to build one way before you were ever even around but they abandoned it so no one is trying to steal the idea that is not yours. This is no there near as big of a obstacle as the other fabrication IF you are capable of getting the case made and all then moving buttons shouldn't be a problem at all for you.

Offline TheZap

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Re: Working On Sort Of iWish Proto.
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2009, 04:14:27 PM »
Your idea? LOL you took the idea from a picture you saw and someone else has already started to build one way before you were ever even around but they abandoned it so no one is trying to steal the idea that is not yours. This is no there near as big of a obstacle as the other fabrication IF you are capable of getting the case made and all then moving buttons shouldn't be a problem at all for you.
Sorry, got a bit over my head again, it happens...
But the way they planned it could of been a bit different, I think... I want to finish this b4 any1 else does it :P, if I actually finish that actually gives me something, right?
 Im going to try not to give up easily, especially the money Im putting in this... It may not seem alot to you, but its a lot to me :P And Especially because I dont want to be the type of person that says Im going to do something and doesnt. I dont want to ask all these quetions and have no point to it, this would of been a huge waist of time :P
Currently, Im here asking all my friends for any tech they arent using, finnaly, I got a friend who is giving me a sliding phone, finnaly all my begging came threw :P

Im also guessing that the people who created the iWish were probibly having fun photoshoping, exactly why its called the iWish...
So, you know where I can find any of the previous attempts, so I can see where they left off?
Ill try to create the faceplate once I get the phone, he better not be lieing :P
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 04:23:49 PM by TheZap »


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