Author Topic: Dead Mobo,no power ?  (Read 1926 times)

Offline russell56443

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Dead Mobo,no power ?
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:25:07 AM »
Hi all,Im fixing a Slim with a TA-085 and the thing is dead!
No green flash as if it were bricked ect..
I had this happen in the past with some Fat ones and bridged the Power Cap/fuse and it was all good.
I looked this up and found the posts and Pictures of the TB fuse on the backside of the Mobo so I know where it is.
I switched out the power board so I dont think thats the cause and put the Pandora in too,is there anything else I should check before I break out the soldering iron(It's for a 8yr old kid and I dont want to wreck his system anymore than it is)!
Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 12:53:48 AM by russell56443 »


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