Author Topic: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?  (Read 1603 times)

Offline spikeyw

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4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:13:27 AM »
I have been considering this for a long time and have done some research into it but have almost always come to the same end... That the built in miniUSB is too limited to be used for an external pad. What I plan to do however is, if it is possible is to only run the X, O, [] and triangle buttons through it, is to use it as a fretboard for the homebrew game Guitarway to heaven, as I cannot play it with the typical layout.

The outcome should hopefully be a small fretboard that can be plugged into the top of the PSP and removed at will. From what I do understand, doing this would require a plugin of some description if it was to work. I have considered a hard mod by tapping the buttons but I dont really want to make any physical change to my PSP as this is the only game it would be used for.

If someone could point me to a few threads that detail about using the USB port for external pads and also how I would go about wiring such a thing together to buttons (on their own or in a game pad) I would be very grateful.

(also this is my first post here... Please let me know if I have done anything against the rules and whatnot)

Offline pspupgrade

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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 01:43:42 PM »
Sounds like a fairly challenging yet accomplishable mod. The main thing to worry about would be dimensions and actually manufacturing the whole thing.
However, I wouldn't recommend sacrificing the Mini-USB at the top; a thing that I've seen is to buy one, cut some space in the silver trim of the PSP on the left hand side, and wire it into that. This could maybe somewhat be similar to the dual nub mod. Search for Razor X for more information about that. Basically, what needs to be done is the external buttons need to be connected to the pad on which you get the X, O, [] and /\ buttons.
Still, there's a chance that you could wire it to the original switch, but you would probably have to sacrifice USB connectivity.
  If you open up your PSP, and look at the motherboard (check the PSP disassembly guide in the tutorials section), there are 5 tabs under the USB port. This would be the +5v, -, + data, - data and ground. You would have to wire all of the four buttons to the USB port, and then get a spare USB cable and snap it. Then that cable could connect to the buttons, which could probably stick somewhere under the PSP. There are many options to doing this mod. The thing about this kind of stuff is that it involves thinking on your feet to think of innovative ways to do the mod. Maybe search around where you live for something that you could use. I'm thinking of the small switches under computer mouse buttons as an idea..... if you found a couple of mice to dismantle that may be of some use...

Anyway, ask for any additional information or questions.
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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2009, 02:04:47 PM »
This would work, but you can't do this with a plugin a.k.a. software, unless you do something complicated, and even then I'm not sure if it's possible. Like pspupgrade said, best way would be to add a new usb port, and wire that to the face buttons. You probably couldn't just wire up the face buttons to the existing usb port because that is still connected to the psp and intended to be used for other things. I'm not sure if anything would be affected, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2009, 02:00:16 AM »
Yes, you would probably have to remove the USB port and destroy the connections between the features properly intended for the USB. It's either that, or use many small switches. Spikey, you'll want to make sure you have all of the skills needed for modding, such as soldering and general electronics knowledge, as well as the equipment you'll need.
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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2009, 06:38:12 AM »
Yes I actually was working on a removable rumble mod that needed another USB port for the plug since I could not find any other type of plug to use that would fit that small. I ripped out a Male Mini-USB from a Mini-B USB cable VERY carefully then soldered wires to the pins. You can find the raw female here:

I suggest buying the breakout board ONLY because it costs the SAME as the normal one and it's eaier to solder to AND it's only as but as a quarter and you can always de-solder it from the board if it doesn't work for you.
Here it is:

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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2009, 07:26:21 AM »
In my opinion, I think the whole thing should be mounted on this:

Probably the most convenient way to place it.
With the AM shop, last year weren't they planning to make special boards for buttons like this? If they were available, then you could probably just stick them on the bottom of the clear casing thing, and after that it would be a matter of wiring them up.
  As I said before, it is possible to wire it up to the PSP's mini-USB port, but would take some sacrificing :).
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Offline spikeyw

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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2009, 03:26:40 AM »
Ok, big thanks to you guys about this, I think I've got the information I need. I was hoping that there would be some way to do this without getting into hard wiring the buttons, but it seems to be the only way...

Also, two additional questions. Firstly, would it be easier to add this second miniUSB to the right since that is where the buttons are located, or is there some reason against it?

Secondly, does it seem like a plausable idea to use the existing miniUSB to hold the fretboard in place, and act as a small extention so that the miniUSB is accessable with the fretboard in place? The reason I ask this is because if such a thing was plausable then it would become almost a permanant mod... I dont think I would ever take it off...

Also, if I ever manage to Destroy my psp epically/implement this mod, I will probably post some pics. This will be my first real mod apart from firmware customisation and my first time inside my PSP, so the most likely outcome is an entertainingly messed up lump of black plastic and metal.

I am probably in a little over my head with this but thanks for helping me, you guys are great! :)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 03:29:32 AM by spikeyw »

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: 4 external buttons through the PSP's miniUSB?
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2009, 11:50:24 PM »
I would in fact suggest putting it on the right side. There Is plenty of speace there and it's close to the buttons.

It's not really seem like a plausable idea to use the existing USB port. It may be possible with the use of a pic. You could use it to switch between the USB connectivity to the port and connectivity of the buttons. Don't ask me how you would go about doing this because I have no experience with pics. Plus it's way over complicated for such a simple mod

I'd suggest to just use a new port on the right side.
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