Author Topic: My Dual Analog Mod far  (Read 16760 times)

Offline kemolagger

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My Dual Analog Mod far
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:23:59 AM »
Right now I'm about halfway done with my LordNico/Sample123 mod for the dual analog on the psp.  The only part that I am using that is different from the tutorial is the wire.  I've been hunting my area for over a week and haven't found anyone that sells 30 AWG.  Instead, I've taken some 12g spliced wire, and taken out singles from the 12g non-solid wire, which I believe has about 12 or so 30-32 gauge *not insulated* wire.  I've got my fat nub in and just waiting on the razor X.  Take note that I've already killed one PSP because I completely melted the power/controller connector on the motherboard!!!  While waiting on the parts to come in the mail, I used the broken mobo to hone in on my soldering skills <---I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU PRACTICE ON SMALL SOLDERING POINTS BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO DO THIS MOD!!!! YOU WILL MESS UP YOUR MOBO, RENDERING THE WHOLE PSP USELESS IF YOU MELT THE SOLDERING POINTS TOGETHER ON THE ZIF CONNECTOR!!!!

Equipment used:

Flux gel
Solder - doesn't matter what size
15watt soldering iron ( I used my dremel to file down the point down very thin and sharp for the tight spaces)
30ge wire from a 12g cable or 30AWG (I recommend you use the 30AWG if you can get your hands on it or order it)
hot glue sticks
electrical tape
small LED flashlight
small phillips screwdriver
x-acto knife
assortment of small hand tools (dental picks and so forth)
KRONUS helping hands from radio shack

« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 07:58:58 PM by kemolagger »

Offline Alien_X

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 01:57:20 AM »
Please don't encourage people to solder like that! :boxed:

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 12:09:53 PM »
Well considering that it's my first actual mod, I think it's pretty good so far with what I had.  Like I posted, yeah it looks ghetto, but that doesn't mean it won't work.  To me its just a different way to solder for that particular mod, being that I don't have any experience whatsoever with a solder gun.  Granted if I had some insulated 30AWG, it would look prettier.  But, as I said, it's my first mod and I don't think alot of people would risk doing this as their first mod.  I'm proud of my little ugly duckling!!!!

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 01:17:55 PM »
dude, just WAIT until you get insulated wire, or you will regret ever doing this

insulation is not just looks

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 02:16:49 PM »
WAIT! You used a soldering gun, you used uninsulated wire, and this is your first mod? Damn...

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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 06:37:10 PM »
I'm taking the precautions to ensure the wires are not touching each other, and I'm also making sure that the wires are not going to touch the chasis or any other metal component.  I understand your concern, I should be fine on this one..this isn't spinal surgery
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 06:54:57 PM by kemolagger »


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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 07:07:10 PM »
I'm taking the precautions to ensure the wires are not touching each other, and I'm also making sure that the wires are not going to touch the chasis or any other metal component.  I understand your concern, I should be fine on this one..this isn't spinal surgery
if you srop that psp the wires move, then you have to go back to open it

in a month of play it will mess up also
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...

Offline Jumbo

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 07:11:47 PM »
This is not the best job.. I wouldnt even show anyone this solder/wire job. Its just bad thing to show when its not safe at all. And if you ruin a mobo doing this, you didnt practice enough.

And for all you people out there, Id rather do Dual nub via Razor on Slim than Phat ANY DAY. Slim is much easier to do dual nub on. And the Zif soldering only takes me a minute (Literally.)

And why are you grounding on the zif? If you just ground anywhere else it will safe you time on soldering another wire on the zif and lower your chances of :censored:ing up.

Finally, Solder size DOES matter. Size and type. I use lead flux with no rosin in it to make sure the solder wont spread all over the place and ruin the connector. Also keep the solder VERY thin, mine is like hair...

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 07:56:34 PM »
You use lead flux? But damn 1min to solder that thing... That's epic. Where'd you get that stuff? Radioshack?

Anyway, to OP, good luck with that thing... If it randomly shorts out and dies in a month, then you will know why.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 08:09:55 PM »
This is not the best job.. I wouldnt even show anyone this solder/wire job. Its just bad thing to show when its not safe at all. And if you ruin a mobo doing this, you didnt practice enough.

And for all you people out there, Id rather do Dual nub via Razor on Slim than Phat ANY DAY. Slim is much easier to do dual nub on. And the Zif soldering only takes me a minute (Literally.)

And why are you grounding on the zif? If you just ground anywhere else it will safe you time on soldering another wire on the zif and lower your chances of :censored:ing up.

Finally, Solder size DOES matter. Size and type. I use lead flux with no rosin in it to make sure the solder wont spread all over the place and ruin the connector. Also keep the solder VERY thin, mine is like hair...

Like I said in my previous post, "THIS IS GHETTO!!", and "This is the best I could do with what I had".  Being that most of the people in this forum are modding their psps, I would figure that there would some line of creative respect, not total flaming.  As I stated in my OP, "Use 30 AWG insulated if you can get your hands on some".  I think it's pointless for me to pay more for shipping and handling than what the product costs.  There's no 30 AWG in my area, I've scoured all the local electronic stores.  All I am pointing out is that *if you can't find this wire, here is an alternative*.  Don't flame me for doing it different.  Does it look like :censored:, well of course it does.  I didn't make the OP titled, "This is the prettiest mod ever done, please everyone look at my pictures so that I can gloat!".  No, I read LordNico and Sample123's mod tut, (sorry I don't know about the whole ground wire part jumbo!, but that's how it was done in the tut that I looked at!) saw that there were some questions on the forum that hadn't been answered.  Being that I really wanted to do this mod, I thought I would try to do it slightly different, to show a slightly different approach. 

And no, if you prime your wire properly with solder, it doesn't matter what size you get.  Plug in the gun, apply some solder to the iron, dip your wire in some flux and pass the wire through the melted solder, and a thin coat of solder sticks to the wire, it looks like the copper was stripped off because the coat is so thin.  So don't sit there and try to bash how I do it.  If I'm not mistaken, there is no ABSOLUTE correct way to do this mod; are there some basic principles that need to be followed, yes of course there are.  Alot of people are showing pictures of their dual analogs already installed, and there are guys on the forums asking questions on how to do it, and no one is really stepping out to help guys that are new to modding or trying this mod for the first time. 

So what if I ruined a mobo.  At least I admitted it, and forwarned any other people that consider doing this mod, because I know that I never saw anyone saying "be careful around the zif!".  Like I said, I'm new at this.  This is my first mod, so excuse me for not being the jesus christ of PSP modding.  So if the only thing you can say is that you can do it better, and that you can solder better, then go make a :censored:ing post about how well you can do things and I'm sure people will admire you there.  But I'm just merely trying to show a different way of doing this, and if I know there's a better way to do it, I post it, just like I did about the 30 AWG.  If you've got some credible information that you want to share with me, from an experienced modder to someone who is beggining at it, then please, I would like to have some pointers, but don't bash my forum about my techniques, or how I do things, because you aren't helping me out.  Like, "Hey I see that you don't have insulated wire, if you can't get some, this is something you might have around your house that could help prevent something from happening."  That's the information that I'm trying to put out, not "well then use :censored:ing insulated wire dumbass" , try helping out the other guys that can't throw down alot of money to order mod pieces from timbuktu.

Sorry if I sound pissed off, because I am, when an experienced modder (well I'm guessing) such as yourself, Jumbo, posts in this thread about how I shouldn't post pictures of my mod.  When I put the case back on, I'm not worried about what the :censored:ing insides look like, as long as it will allow me to play my psp the way that I want to, I could give a :censored: what it looks like.  So if you want to continue this bickering back and forth about how you do it better than me, which I'm really not interested in doing, then piss off!!

You use lead flux? But damn 1min to solder that thing... That's epic. Where'd you get that stuff? Radioshack?

Anyway, to OP, good luck with that thing... If it randomly shorts out and dies in a month, then you will know why.

Ok, I get the whole no insulation part, what would make it overheat, wire on metal, heat in general? what?

Thx for the info Justin

if you srop that psp the wires move, then you have to go back to open it

in a month of play it will mess up also

Trust me, I'm making sure the wires won't move, and yeah I know it happens, but I don't plan on dropping my psp.

You use lead flux? But damn 1min to solder that thing... That's epic. Where'd you get that stuff? Radioshack?

Anyway, to OP, good luck with that thing... If it randomly shorts out and dies in a month, then you will know why.

Ok, I get the whole no insulation part, what would make it overheat, wire on metal, heat in general? what?

Thx for the info Justin

GhoSt:Please don't double or triple post. Just edit them using the button. Also Play nice we just wan't to help.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 08:37:13 PM by GhoSt_Death »

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2009, 08:25:06 PM »
i never said overheat, i said short, but it could overheat from stuff like shorts...

But erm, you can buy like 500ft of kynar on ebay for like 50CAD so like 30-35ish USD? Not bad, and it'll last you a long time. Good investment, if you ask me.

Oh and don't triple post... Edit your post.

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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2009, 08:40:19 PM »
Well, right now I don't have that much cash to thrown down, and I also don't think my wife would like me ordering 500ft of wire.  Anyways, thx for the reply about the shorting.  But, as far as I understand basic electronics, as long as the wire does not come in contact with another wire or other type of conductor, then the shorting out the CB wouldn't be a problem.  Granted, yes if the psp was dropped and the wires came loose then, ok I see.  BUT, if I'm right about keeping the wires apart safely, and there's no possibility of them hitting each other, then the wires should be fine.  I'm sorry if I seem very short and rushed on this mod.  I'm leaving for Afghanistan very soon and I want to have this done before I leave, I'm obviously not going to lug my mod tools with me overseas, definitey don't have the time for that.

I only wish that I would have done this mod a few months ago, but I just recently googled it and found the AM website with the TUT.  So put yourself in my shoes, you don't have alot of time to wait for the kynar, so you've gotta do the best with what you've got and make it safe. 

If you were in my shoes and didn't have alot of time to wait for the kynar, what common materials at home or in local stores would be the best way to insulate the exposed wires and ensure they do not move at all?

Offline Alien_X

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2009, 01:00:13 AM »
Okay a couple of points, long, exposed signal wires generally cause unwanted capacitance, and if near power lines noise as well - not good.

Jumbo, you are lying.. there is no way you can do this mod in one minute, unless you are just counting soldering time which is generally no greater than 5 seconds for a a joint (leaded) or 10 seconds (lead free :) ). So I can do the same in 25 seconds - worship me. Finally I have never seen a mod from you which doesn't involve more than 15 leds, I have only seen outright claims about your 1337 Sk1llz. Do you add solder directly to the joint, or just pre-tin your wires? Because in the second instance it wouldn't make a damn difference whether solder was flux core or not.

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2009, 03:39:00 PM »
Jumbo, you are lying.. there is no way you can do this mod in one minute, unless you are just counting soldering time which is generally no greater than 5 seconds for a a joint (leaded) or 10 seconds (lead free :) ).
I think the joints is what he means, lol:

And the Zif soldering only takes me a minute (Literally.)

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2009, 04:14:32 PM »
It may be a little larger in some cases but you could check the wire thickness in a phone cord.  If you have a dollar store near you, you could buy lots of cheap crappy parts.  Those stores always have some sort of telephone cords or maybe even a cat 5 cable.  I know they are larger but they are sheilded.  Good luck. :drunk:

Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2009, 07:51:44 PM »
Thanks Jakx, but phone cord doesn't use soid wire.  Same with CAT 5 cable.  Don't get me wrong, but I tried using it before, and it's definitely easy with solid wire.  I appreciate the input though!

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2009, 06:05:01 AM »
I am a network administrator and I personally have never seen a cat 5 cable that wasn't a single solid strand.  You are welcome anyway.

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2009, 06:14:10 AM »
Yea I know even though I can't solder to the ZIF I would say that doesn't look so hot now you can't use the little hinge if you need to replace the bus wire. But good job you soldered to the ZIF! congratz. I wish I could.

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2009, 11:30:44 AM »
oh my and that works with that solder job im suprised. 
Jumbo, you are lying.. there is no way you can do this mod in one minute, unless you are just counting soldering time which is generally no greater than 5 seconds for a a joint (leaded) or 10 seconds (lead free :) ).
you would be surprised how good jumbo is alien
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 11:35:57 AM by Blazinkaos »

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2009, 02:16:04 PM »
Thanks Jakx, but phone cord doesn't use soid wire.  Same with CAT 5 cable.  Don't get me wrong, but I tried using it before, and it's definitely easy with solid wire.  I appreciate the input though!
Hey kemolagger do you live in the U.S.?  Pm me your address and I'll send you enough 30 gauge wire to finish this.  I want to see this finished that bad  :dribble:

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2009, 08:07:52 PM »
wow thats nice of tri..i do to be surprised if it turns out well if he does better job on the face plate 

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2009, 07:02:15 AM »
I can't finish right now because I'm visiting family for the weekend in Louisiana.  I'm gonna check here for some 30AWG, if I can find some I'll definitely be installing it, just because that's the main point that I'm getting from everyone.  We'll see on Monday or Tuesday how it all turns out!

Quick question for those that have done this mod.  Does the razor x need to be tinned?  I was looking on the website and it looks as though the razor x is a pressed peice and doesn't require tinning.  Any idea?

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2009, 09:40:15 AM »
well some ppl dnt some ppl do i prefer tinning it has a better contact with the circle spring

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2009, 02:45:50 PM »
I'm back at my house, I have to wait until tomorrow to pick up my Razor X, and tri-edge said he'd hook me up with some INSULATED 30awg.  If I can get it in time, I should be done with this mod by the end of the week!  I'll definitely be posting a thorough walkthrough with pics!

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2009, 03:01:34 PM »
Yes you need to tin the Razor X or it wont make contact :D

And PS sorry if i made it sound like i was flaming you, I wasn't. I was just saying that when you post pictures lots of people base theres mods off of them. So if someone was to visit see this he could consider it safe if he saw a picture posted by a modder.

Also when removing that glue to add the Insulated wire (If you do) BE CAREFUL! I cant stress this enough, the Zif's are the strongest of materials so it might go bad if you rush it D:

But good luck :D And those wires will be very unstable when the razor X is added because the points on the razor are close so the wires might touch if dropped.


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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2009, 03:37:53 PM »
yea as jumbo says just be careful and ill be waiting to see how u do with those pics coming in.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2009, 06:17:43 PM »
NP thanks for the advice fellas.

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2009, 07:48:49 PM »

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline kemolagger

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2009, 08:07:19 PM »
Took down the old pictures, will have the new ones up soon. 

I'm soo pissed right now, I totally just  :censored: up my spring for my analog stick!!!!!  Now I have to wait another to come in the mail!!! ARGGGGHHH!!!! :angry:  I was testing out the tinning on my razor x, and the spring got bent from moving the analog stick around too hard. 

A definite word to the wise, when you order a fat nub, don't take it apart until you are absolutely ready to put it on the razor x, that sucker(spring) is hard to get back on centered.

Also, trying to solder the wiring to the Razor X board is friggin hard, well not the solderin so much, just securing the wires so that the solder doesn't come off.  Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 08:09:12 PM by kemolagger »

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Re: My Dual Analog Mod far
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2009, 08:11:03 PM »
Hot glue ftw?

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