Author Topic: wierd soundcard issue,  (Read 846 times)

Offline th3 fury

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wierd soundcard issue,
« on: April 16, 2009, 04:01:17 AM »
hey every im a little new to the technical aspect of the psp, so i was wondering if u guys can help

for a while the sound on my psp hasnt been working (almost 2 years hahaha!) so i decided to buy a new daughter board.i installed it and booted up my psp and thought it was funny, i had no sound, so i checked the memory stick drive and that was working, went to the browser, i was able to go online but still no sound, so i tried connecting a headphone into the jack, and wierdly enough, the external speakers kick in! thats right, when i plug in my headphones the external speakers work, no headphones i get nothing.

well, the main thing is the psp assumes theres a headphone in the jack when nothings in there, thats what it did with the previous board except the other board didnt work regardless.(the jack was completly seperated from the board but thats a whole other story!) but when somethings plugged in it assumes nothings in there.

so i was hoping i can get some help with this to see if any1 knows whats going on, thanks alot

Offline krazyone2006

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Re: wierd soundcard issue,
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 04:42:32 AM »
sounds like you didn't get a wifi board that matched your mother board not every wifi board works with every motherboard you got to make sure its the same model you took out there numbered kinda like the motherboards

Offline th3 fury

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Re: wierd soundcard issue,
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 05:57:54 PM »
but if the wrong soundcard was the case, wouldnt other areas be affected as well, like memory card issues or ability to access the internet? also the sound DOES work, i just constantly have to have something in the headphone jack in order for it to work. also the other card seems like  did the same thing except the sound didnt work at all cause the jack wasnt connect to the card at all

Offline krazyone2006

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Re: wierd soundcard issue,
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 08:31:39 AM »
no you just get weird sound issues i just replaced a wifi board for someone who had a ta-086 mobo with a wifi board from a ta-079 mobo and they had the same issue had to do it cause i didn't have a spare wifi board for that mobo lol but hes ordering one lol

for the moment in order for him to get sound he has to have the cut off headphone jack i made in the jack for sound to comeout the speakers but like i said its cause the wifi board i had didn't match and he is ordering one and it will fix it
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 08:35:29 AM by krazyone2006 »


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