Author Topic: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !  (Read 4976 times)

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The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« on: April 17, 2009, 06:22:17 AM »
whether you support piracy or not , this is a very important issue. The owners of the pirate bay have been imprisoned for 1year and have to pay fines worth 3.6 million dollars. According to me, this is a blatant violation of sharing of information. The pirate bay was and is just a directory of locations of internet data. It has at no time stored any of this data on its servers. This is the same as destroying all telephone diaries if they list a prostitute's(illegal activity) number. I for one, disapprove of this act and vehemently oppose it ....     
  you look like a carrot.
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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2009, 06:29:36 AM »
I agree with you 100%. And another thing we need to watch out for is the capping of or downloading from the ISP.
Time Warner has already put 40gig caps on some customers. It looks like ISP download capping is the new DRM. I mean everyone knows that they just don't want us to watch movies and TV that we can get on the internet. And I don't mean pireted but th legal stuf from itunes or netflix and many other legal sources.

Oh yeah and thatnks for the sig dhruvrock2000. I'll add it asap....
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 06:31:32 AM by 40_ounce »

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 06:58:41 AM »
With all these restrictions, they are just stifling our rights of free speech (youtube), flexibility in purchasing options (itunes, netflix) and freedom from paying for television content we may or may not want (through hulu n online streaming). ISP Downloading capping should actually be considered a crime because if someone is paying for unlimited usage then the company is probably infringing on customer privacy by trackng them this especially true for p2p based bandwidth throttling.....
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 07:09:03 AM »
data capping: wouldnt that be false advertising, since you pay for internet speeds?


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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2009, 07:19:49 AM »

And bandwidth.

I know for a fact that Rogers Cable in Canada has certain plans for speed and download (bandwidth). If you pay for the premium, you better well get that damn premium.

But that :censored: is so stupid. Why the :censored: would you jail them? psh.

As far as I'm concerned, this is wayyy homophobic.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 07:37:18 AM »
Yeah, :censored: THE RIAA?!?!?

TBH they dont deserve to go to jail, I saw it this morning on the news, it said it was 4 years and a 2 million pound fine (Although it probaly included them all together and £2mil is about $3.6mil)

Yeah, they didnt do anything illegal, i hope a government does something about this, although I heard that the servers are going to stay up as the servers are not located in Sweden (Maybe they should put their servers on Sealand Lol)

Or they should build a boat and live in non terrorial waters, then it will add to the pirate theme

Hoi! Pinoy ako!

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 08:16:27 AM »
the servers are staying as the retarded corporations forgot to file for bringing down the servers. The pirates bay should buy sealand, this way they'll avoid all legal troubles but they'll have to set up a new fibre optic network :) 
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2009, 08:51:29 AM »
yeh this is a big f u to the world by the various corporations involved - and they did joke a few years back about buying sealand and i wonder if all the pirates banded together and bought sealand and laid a fiber network to it and run a hosting data center type area there

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2009, 09:09:49 AM »
i would  willingly contribute to any fund if they decided to buy sealand , that would show the corporations that we stand united and unshaken.
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

Offline 802Chives

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 09:54:08 AM »
corporate greed has no borders.... thanks again to the cooporate world for destroying the world economy and now putting people in jail cuz they arent smart enough to prevent what is happening.  You can thank greed from corporations and supposedly the smartest people in the world for the state of the economy.  No where did ethics and the good of the people play into any decision made in the last 30 years by these people, the only thing that has any bearing on those important decisions is money.  So to oxford, stanford, yale, harvard, and the rest of these so called "ivy league" schools that produce these people that have so much power, try teaching a class in ethics and just take a look at the de-industrialization of the modern world as an example of what pure lack of ethics and greed can create.

AND A BIG F YOU! to all the people that supposedly represent us in our goverments and lobbiests, your interests are so clearly aligned with the corporations and the money that comes with them, you forgot how you got there.  People need to open their eyes and speak up cuz what we have comming will be irreversible if it isn't already.

You dont see any lawsuits against google or yahoo? very interesting, seems like they are just big pirate bays.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 09:57:03 AM by 802Chives »

Offline PhenomenalDesigns

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 10:51:56 AM »
Seriously, they should buy sealand (Like 3rd smallest country in the world lol)

Or setup their own country in the middle of norway somehow...

Hoi! Pinoy ako!

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2009, 10:53:49 AM »
 This could have far reaching consequences. It could even effect the global economy.  this is truly  a cheapshot by the entertainment industry. Very soon they will be keeping a tab on what you do on the internet. Privacy as you know it will cease to exist. What will you do then ! The issue is more than copyright infringement. It is actually the totalitarian control of the major corporations which will kill all developments, privacy and the internet as you know it.
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 11:23:28 AM »
Google and Yahoo have 1000x more links to pirated things. And TBH, they should have been rewarded with milk and cookies.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 11:30:47 AM »
the problem is that if google finds out about such links it "attempts" to remove it but pirate bay doesnt. It is this attempt but not necessarily removal which exempts it from there trials....
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 01:33:09 PM »
corporate greed has no borders.... thanks again to the cooporate world for destroying the world economy and now putting people in jail cuz they arent smart enough to prevent what is happening.  You can thank greed from corporations and supposedly the smartest people in the world for the state of the economy.  No where did ethics and the good of the people play into any decision made in the last 30 years by these people, the only thing that has any bearing on those important decisions is money.  So to oxford, stanford, yale, harvard, and the rest of these so called "ivy league" schools that produce these people that have so much power, try teaching a class in ethics and just take a look at the de-industrialization of the modern world as an example of what pure lack of ethics and greed can create.

AND A BIG F YOU! to all the people that supposedly represent us in our goverments and lobbiests, your interests are so clearly aligned with the corporations and the money that comes with them, you forgot how you got there.  People need to open their eyes and speak up cuz what we have comming will be irreversible if it isn't already.

You dont see any lawsuits against google or yahoo? very interesting, seems like they are just big pirate bays.

Right on Chives, right on!! To add to that, guys if you only realized how many of your freedoms were raped from you on a daily basis because of people that work with and support the RIAA. We all have a right to speach and information. The PB guys are going away for only providing an INDEX for links to information (files). I'm not supporting that I just think that its messed up that a person can be charged with providing a link to a song or an app.

What the hell is the world coming to?

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2009, 01:43:39 PM »
Somebody should virtually slap Viacom...

Also england is becoming a police state, in the news there have been a few recent incidents of police killing INNOCENT PEOPLE

Hoi! Pinoy ako!

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2009, 02:42:43 PM »
Yeah, I hate this.
Also, Fox shut down "Watch The Simpsons Online" yesterday. They really are cracking down now, because especially in the credit crunch they need those extra billions of dollars.
 I heard that the reason the people in PirateBay got the sentence was because they were encouraging others to break the rules. That's pretty much the only reason they could get by. Still, as they said on the website, Don't worry - we're from the internets. It's going to be alright. :-)
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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2009, 04:15:51 PM »
Right on Chives, right on!! To add to that, guys if you only realized how many of your freedoms were raped from you on a daily basis because of people that work with and support the RIAA. We all have a right to speach and information. The PB guys are going away for only providing an INDEX for links to information (files). I'm not supporting that I just think that its messed up that a person can be charged with providing a link to a song or an app.

What the hell is the world coming to?
i guess that means that it isnt to far of a stretch that if sony or any other console maker tried and tried and tried to get it illigal to void our warrentys and apply the same logic as the riaa did to TPB then i could goto prison for provideing a site that gives instruction and links to code to void warrentys and cheat in games. wow that is a scary thought.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2009, 04:55:57 PM »
And its that IDEA that I was getting at! Where does this stop? So like someone said here before, is the RIAA gonna sue Google and Yahoo, how about youtube? Once more Robin, how about newzbin? Really where does it stop??

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2009, 05:07:20 PM »
I must say I slightly disagree with pirating because you want everything for free but I do agree with try before you buy pirates

And yeh it is worrying about newsbin

I wonder how much it would cost to buy seeland and kit it up with servers and it's own fibre network it could even run tottaly off wind and solar power

The music I download to try has gone to zero since I started using spotify and if I really like it I buy it

P.a. I hate typeing on my iPhone
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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2009, 06:18:43 PM »
I by no means support piracy, however the pirate bay case is so much larger then piracy.  It is about who should be allowed to do what, and whoever has enough money decides what is right.  It comes down to this elitist attitude these big corporations have and its detrimental effect on society.

I wish supposedly conscious corporations like google would step in and help, as this just as much about them and the basic freedoms they are granted in order to conduct their business.

TPB guys have by no means been beaten, they only lost the first level of three at this level it was only decided by one judge.  Heres hoping the next trial is heard by people that actually understand what they are telling them.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2009, 08:58:24 PM »
the battle is not over till the people give up. Corporations are takin control over the internet and we have to stop it. Youtube has tied up with em to offer a separate site offering "premium" content to save its arse.....   
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2009, 12:15:34 AM »
You know what. I pirate everyday. Sure if i like I will buy it. But chances are I wont. Why cause Why should I support Company's that rape the little people. Screw this The internet isn't ours anymore is it? Wrong!. Pirate for Life. Stop Buying your Media Show The "Corporate :censored:s" who's really in charge! We are! WE OWN THE INTERNET! We are you Brothers. Fathers. Mothers. Daughters. Sons. As long as we have our  Ships and Ports. We Will survive. may your times on the net be full of Pirated media! an enjoyment!
As long As we have a way to communicate with other Pirates We will share Media!

~This message does in no way affect the views of They are Mine w32.sasser.worm.a AKA PSYCHOTICWOLF.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 04:17:16 PM by W32.Sasser.Worm.A »

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Re: The Pirate Bay owners jailed !
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2009, 12:50:05 AM »
it isnt to far of a stretch that if sony or any other console maker tried and tried and tried to get it illigal to void our warrentys

Well, I'm not actually sure about the warranties part. Since the warranty is basically a legal bound that Sony must repair/replace your PSP if it goes wrong, if it were void then that would be saving them money on the replacement front.

Still, the worldis going pretty weird. The Credit Crunch is driving the big names to crack down on piracy so that they won't go out of business. Fair enough, I suppose. But they simply can't win. Was watching the news last night, and this record label boss was trying to look angry, but in the end he just looked stupid (owned by Channel 4 newsreader), because he couldn't actually give an answer as to how piracy could be stopped. It's too big. It can't. I wish they could make some sort of way of a video Spotify, or something. The person who came up with Spotify in the first place was the owner of a torrent site....
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