Author Topic: Led's  (Read 1055 times)

Offline lilunwl

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« on: April 26, 2009, 06:45:43 PM »
Ok im pretty sure I am going to get blasted from all different directions but here goes.... I am pretty sure This has already been asked but I have been searching for an hour now I am looking to see If anyone has wired the 0603 leds and put them in the abxy buttons.I seen the tutorial on how to do it but i already have them wired I just dont want to burn them out.So im asking for someone who has done it or that knows What resistors to use. Does it matter whaere to hook it in the controller like are there different outputs or is positive all 3 volts?Or if someone knows how to find out what the volts are for red green blue and yellow ones and the volt of the controller is 3 volts correct? Then Ill use the voltage/resistor calc. But I figered I would check and see if someone could help me out a lil bit. Thanks and I do apologize if I am asking a double posted question or out of place.

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Re: Led's
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 06:24:47 AM »
ok first to the controller, there are two types of controllers, cg and matrix. you need a switched power supply. (one that turns on/off with the controller) look at some of king mikes install diagrams. (the ones pined to the top of the 360 controller page) those will show the best spot for each of the controllers. the CG spot is at the bottom center near the battery terminal, it is the mic's supply point. for matrix, there are three open ternimals at the left bottom, below the left stick. use the one far left.

now that you know the points... the cg supplies a max of 3V with new batteries, and the matrix is 2v. use these figures for the resistance calculator.

as far as the LED's..there are thousands of them, with thousands of different forward voltage requirements. so you need to check the packaging and enter this into the calculator. or post it, and I will do the math for you.

if you are using a matrix controller, and need the 3v..use the battery supply adn add an on/off switch somewhere. or burn it and buy a CG LOL


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