Author Topic: Using the touch screen as an analog stick for the 360.  (Read 2033 times)

Offline Yuyuyami

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Using the touch screen as an analog stick for the 360.
« on: June 12, 2009, 09:33:15 PM »
Ok, I know that the DS touch screen is basically a compound 2D potentiometer, so it should, in theory at least, work as an analog stick for any console.

Now, I haven't opened my DS in a while as I destroyed it during an earlier mod (I was bad at soldering back then and I destroyed the soft button pads. I also used wire too thick and it stressed the casing apart), so some information would be nice.

The cable that leads from the touch screen to the mother board, how many connections does it have? I'm guessing it either has three or five.

Also, if the voltage returned to the controller is off by a certain amount, what can I do to fix that? I know there's a component (a magnet with a bunch of wire wrapped around it) that will increase voltage, but I forget what it's called. Would that work to fix the voltage offset?
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Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Using the touch screen as an analog stick for the 360.
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 09:23:23 AM »
...This is an extremely interesting idea. I really like this. I'll check this out when I get home, because I've got an extra touch screen I could use for this.

I believe the ribbon has 4 traces, though. I'm not sure, either. Maybe it was 3 (gnd, x, y). Makes sense.

In theory you should be able to just connect them to the analog stick, I think. I'll try when I get home cuz I have an extra controller too. XD

edit: The touchscreen has 4 points, x+, x-, y+, y-
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 09:38:41 AM by PspKicks316 »

Offline Falkenheart

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Re: Using the touch screen as an analog stick for the 360.
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 12:36:39 AM »
If This discussion topic is still open. I just wanted to know If anything came to be on this topic because touchscreens in place of analog sticks, would be the answer I've been looking for


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