Author Topic: Multi-Channel sound reactive led's/subwoofer  (Read 2344 times)

Offline ryan0

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Multi-Channel sound reactive led's/subwoofer
« on: July 10, 2009, 07:47:10 AM »
So recently I've been pondering about how to separate out the layers of a song to control different led's,kinda like a VUmeter.I wanted to separate out the Lead bass,rhythm bass and the melody.So I've designed a circuit which does this,It's only in it's primitive design stages,and I have not tested it out yet,but in theory it all works,the circuit would also allow you to connect a subwoofer as well.I wanted to make this possible without a PIC.

EDIT: I forgot to turn off transparency,so right click it and select "view image" and you'll be able to see it.

Here it is:

« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 07:49:11 AM by ryan0 »


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