Author Topic: Help with Psp sound mod.  (Read 1394 times)

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Help with Psp sound mod.
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:57:26 AM »
Could somebody help with how you set up a 2n2222 transistor with a psp slim. I have never done a sound mod before and don't know where to put the transistor.
i understand that you have to sauter here, but do you have to directly sauter the transistor on the the speaker out put?
I plan to put about 14 leds in my psp. Can i just split the line that comes off of the transistor and run that to the led. Or is 14 too many?
How would i make a switch to turn on and off the leds?
Sorry i know i am a noob and probably be doing an easier mod, but any help would be great


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