Author Topic: Dualshock 3/Sixaxis on PC  (Read 1446 times)

Offline P3nnyw1se

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Dualshock 3/Sixaxis on PC
« on: July 05, 2009, 03:06:52 PM »
You can now use it as a wired/wireless(with BT radio receiver) gamepad!  I finally found one for the 64bit versions of windows and it works great!

32/64 Bit Downloads

And you'll need this to enable "test mode" to run/install the unsigned drivers from MS.

First thing you need to do is run the installer for the Motioninjoy.  After it's installed, turn off UAC(User Access Control) If you're on Vista or Windows 7.  Now you'll need to reboot.  Go into your account again and run the application from the second link, DSEO(Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.)  Select the option "enable test mode" and hit next.  Then reboot once it closes.  Log back on go ahead and connect your DS3/SixAxis to your PC via USB and hit the PS button if needed to turn it on, after windows has finished installing its own drivers(Should be something along the lines of "HID") for the device go to your start menu and browse to the "MotioninJoy" folder and run the "Install USB Driver" as an ADMINISTRATOR!!!  It won't install correctly if you don't run it as such.  Once that's done, if you have a BT2.0 Dongle, plug it in, let its drivers install if they haven't been already and run the BT driver installer from the "Motioninjoy" folder, once again as an administrator.  Now reboot your computer and the drivers will be installed.  Go ahead and run the DS3 Tool which should have a shortcut on your desktop and connect your controller if it isn't still connected to your PC.  If you hit the pairing button, your controller can used as a wireless gamepad.

I think it's pretty cool, saves me around $40-50 from buying an official MS one, and it works just as good if not better.  Let me know what you guys think!  If I need to change anything in the "tutorial" let me know via PM or just post in the thread. 

Have fun gaming on your PC with your DS3/SixAxis controller!!!


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