Author Topic: D-pad, WLAN switch, and USB port cause my screen to go blank! (PSP 2000)  (Read 1560 times)

Offline rdm3866

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I have a PSP Slim 2000 version, and here is my problem: Whenever I press the d-pad buttons too hard (or all at the same time), the screen freezes for half a second, fades, and remains blank. The system still runs, and i can still hear the sounds from the game and menu. The same thing happens when I switch the WLAN switch off or if I yank out the usb cable too quickly. However, if i restart the psp or put it in sleep mode and turn it back on, the screen shows up like nothing happened!

So far I'm thinking i might need to replace the D-pad/L-trigger cables. It's probably not the screen since it still works for the most part.  I tried opening up the psp and trying to find the problem, but I can't figure it out and I dont know where else to look.

So here's what I'm asking: What can I do to fix this, and am I on the right track so far? Also, do you think the repairs would be easy enough to do myself?

If I'm not explaining the problem well enough, I can post a video to show you guys what happens when the screen blanks.

Thank you in advance, and any advice will be appreciated!

**It's also worth noting that I didn't buy this psp. I found it at a bus stop last week half buried in the dirt and its pretty banged up. 

Offline injungleist

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if you have had it apart check all the connections. mostly the ones for the screen, and the ones for the power board. this might help.
thx gamerdude767
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Offline rdm3866

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ok so i disassembled most of the connections, checked them, and put them back in, but the problem still persists!  does this mean there is a problem with the motherboard?

Offline injungleist

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  • mod your face off.
it might be, i had one problem with my home and vol-+ when i pressed any of them they made my screen lighten and darken. but it mght be a bad connection somewhere. i just dont know where to say.

i tryed, but mabey someone else has some input.
my prob was bottons were pressed up from wires behind the screen. (my fault)
thx gamerdude767
trades w/ blazinkaos
purchases from sniper (fast shipping)

Offline W-Gaming5

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« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 01:52:27 AM by W-Gaming5 »


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do you have  that little silver peice that rests on the mobo? Becuase On some mobo models this cuases that to happen
Or under the mobo as well, and the metal bar the screen rests on.
Theres 3 of them, and people always leave hem out
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 02:16:43 AM by MARIOPARTY53 »
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...

Offline rdm3866

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do you have a multimeter?
If you do you can test some fuses or something and that could be the problem.
do you have any dead pixels?
could be the ribbon.

If all else fails you need a new motherboard.

I don't have a multimeter to test the fuses, and i the screen doesnt have any dead pixels surprisingly.

do you have  that little silver peice that rests on the mobo? Becuase On some mobo models this cuases that to happen
Or under the mobo as well, and the metal bar the screen rests on.
Theres 3 of them, and people always leave hem out

I have both pieces of the metal shielding in place in front and behind the mobo, and I do have that little bar behind the screen.

Offline blackburn

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ive heard that theres a chip on the back, that when recieves too much pressure causes the screen to go out.. i dont know how to fix it though

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try deep cleaning the whole psp, Maybe there is some dirt stuck somewhere cuasing this
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...


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