My adventure has stopped (finally

It has been a long time for this to come together and now its done!
It involved a few hours on the train to my Grandad's and to shops, there has also be ALOT of faults within the circuit but eventually got fixed
My snare is a 14"x6" solid maple Vintage drum made by Premier(

Evans dry genera hd head on top.. and a Remo weatherking ambassador on bottom.
Right to the technical bit... cant explain much because my Grandad has the schematic that we made

Ill try and get it soon.
gamerdude1994 - MOV00003.flv Yes i apologise for the bad video quality, i didnt find the correct cable for my camera, so i used my phone. Ohh and the snare sound soooo much better than that, ill try find my camera USB then you can see a mod with better quality =D