Normal rapid mods simply, are easily detectable at MS. The only swap between absolute highest and absolute lowest range that the trigger can make. There is no middle, simply on, or simply off.
Now I present the mod that makes all that obsolete.
It's what's been in my secret stash, it makes wild amounts of noise at much higher firerates that'll ever be allowed, and using a simple capacitor, get's rid of the noise, leaving the mod able to make any signal the controler would ever be expecting, saw tooth wave, sin wave, you name it.
Using the AVR tiny45,
The code is written in C and has four modes plus jitter, and has been tested on WOW at around 11.8 sps without beening capped. Right now the tables are off but if you use 90 in one of modes that is actually 11.8 Jitter makes accurate measurement difficult but that is what the oscope reads out.
We plan on splicing into the usb cable, using the last 1k of memory for a usb-bootloader and leaving the other 3k for program. Right now it's using 681 bytes, anything less than 3000 will let me add a bootloader, using usb, and the entire program should be able to be changed in place.
I'll be posting a youtube video tomorrow to confirm this, but in the mean time everything you need can be found here credit goes to Stonefoz for the time and effort he put into it
Post Merge: August 18, 2009, 10:43:07 AM