Author Topic: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs  (Read 3582 times)

Offline budgray19

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« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 04:35:13 AM by budgray19 »

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 05:45:47 AM »
I'm not sure if I believe in another species out there in the universe with greater or less technology.
but when you bring back to times and think about somethings like stone hedge in the U.K.
Each one of those rocks weighs 45 Tons each!, if each average person could lift/move 100kg,
you would have to use 450 people to move or lift those rocks, which is basically impossible,
Stonehenge dates back to 2500 BC , but the pulley was invented approximately 400BC-217BC it is unknown but approximately the years that Archimedes alive. The Pulley system would of had to been the closet Chance they had to lifting those stones, But Stone Hedge dates 2100 years before the invention of the pulley, so how is this possible humans lifting 45 ton rocks ?.
Me Guessing another species witch are further in technology, but we ask why don't these things happen these present days?
Many people say another species e.g aliens aren't out there, but then come to think about the seven wonders of the ancient world when they didn't have the technology we do now.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 05:47:44 AM by Lucas »

Offline H-Sauce

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 05:51:14 AM »
I personally don't believe in aliens. Hyperactive imaginations and selective hearing IMO.

Oh, and one ore thing. Rule 34..

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 07:42:12 AM »
To all of you non believers.

Think of it this way. There's an infinite amount of galaxies out there in space. We are ONE of them. We are one planet within one glaxy out of thousands, millions, billions, an infinite number of galaxies and planets.

Do you honestly thing we're the only planet with life, out of an infinite number of planets?

I don't believe in aliens until I see one, but there ARE aliens out there. And by definition an alien is a foreign being, whether it be a microscopic organism, an animal, or even a human.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 07:53:05 AM by PspKicks316 »

Offline scott

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2009, 07:49:53 AM »
There were/are worms on mars according to recent nasa releases.

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2009, 07:55:40 AM »
To all of you non believers.

Think of it this way. There's an infinite amount of galaxies out there in space. We are ONE of them. We are one planet within one glaxy out of thousands, millions, billions, an infinite number of galaxies and planets.

Do you honestly thing we're the only planet with life, out of an infinite number of planets?
If you answered yes, you're dumber than a monkey.

I don't believe in aliens until I see one, but there ARE aliens out there. And by definition an alien is a foreign being, whether it be a microscopic organism, an animal, or even a human.

This theory is as far as it gets, In my thoughts. I do believe in a sister planet to earth, with the same Structure.
which could possible be 10000000000000000000 light years away. This cannot be proven though. With the science and technology today. We just have to wait and see what the future brings for us, But there is probably aliens out there asking the same question we do.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2009, 08:17:38 AM »
It doesn't have to be anything like earth...

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 08:28:11 AM »
It doesn't have to be anything like earth...
Wasn't saying it had to, but
i'm just saying I believe there is a planet with the same structure as earth.

Offline H-Sauce

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2009, 09:53:51 AM »
This is where the big bang theory comes into play.

How lucky was the big bang? How precise was it. Going by this, imagine how hard it would be for that to happen?


Yeah, I know that makes no sense whatsoever, I'm bored and slightly drunk.

I understand what is being said, but I just can't bring myself to believe.

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2009, 11:06:58 AM »
I don't believe in aliens until I see one, but there ARE aliens out there. And by definition an alien is a foreign being, whether it be a microscopic organism, an animal, or even a human.

i have to agree with that

and i dont get why our govt. is lying to us about this, i mean last i remember, we are the land of truth. and hiding the truth about stuff was just wrong.

dont get me wrong, its fun guessing what they have there, but seriously 38 levels over MAXIMUM security, just doesnt sound right. maximum means there is no higher, and if theres 38 levels more then it doesnt make it maximum.

btw, i only watched the first 2 videos, but ima watch the rest after i post this.

Offline ryan0

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2009, 12:54:18 PM »
Likelihood is if there is life on other planets in other galaxies and universes (which i believe there is),then the chance of them being carbon based are zero,as other universes by vast,vast majority don't contain many if any elements that ours does,the would look nothing like humans,and probably wouldn't have eyes but a pseudo-psychic ability to tell where they are and what is around them.I say pseudo because they aren't carbon based,meaning they almost 100% don't have a brain as we know it,but instead have some type of thought processing center,providing they do actually think or perform earthly equations,
Another thing is,we as humans cannot survive on another planet without assistance,the atmosphere just isn't right or not there at all.The chances of the aliens being able to live in our atmosphere is minscule,in fact,impossible.They could have evolved in an atmosphere 1000 times greater than ours,a thousand times less,or none at all,their atoms (providing that they are actually composed of atoms and particles,which is highly unlikely as different universes act in vastly different ways) would be crushed,torn apart,vaporised etc.That is unless they have the ability to generate the theoretic and godly vaccum bubble, in which they can control the intensity of the atmosphere surrounding them,but yet again,this is an entirely earthly concept,and valid only in our universe,vacuums may not exist in other universes.
I believe there is alien life out there somewhere,and I do believe aliens have been to earth,but I don't believe that they lived to tell the tale or were ever found.
Also I do believe that they could travel faster than light,because quantum theory states that if one was to travel faster than light,the laws of time and space would be negated,and if the laws of time and space are negated,then it is theoretically possible to travel unlimited distances in mere nanoseconds.BUT and it's a big BUT,quantum theory is a creation of our universe,other universes can be based on totally different laws of physics,in fact physics may only exist in our universe,it would take something of extra-universal origin to travel faster than light and therefore negate OUR laws of time and space.Light may not be existent in other universes.

This is just what I believe,but it all makes sense,excuse me if I used alot of complicated terms,I have read many journals on physics and quantum theory,I couldn't explain them any simpler if I tried.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 12:56:09 PM by ryan0 »

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2009, 06:12:22 PM »
One of my theory's are that if are the only one out there, we where nothing but an accident.
Scientist can't prove  that there isn't something out there, the universe as far as we know it, never ends.
Heck, a black hole could be the pathway to another universe, we are yet to know as we do not have the
technology today. Hubble only reaches  about 13 billion light years away (max) , I bring to ask in the future maybe when technology advances, and perhaps A new telescope is put into orbit like hubble and it could reach even further then
hubble, it will reveal more secrets of the ever so mysterious universe. 

My theory is what's behind those 13 billion light years.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 06:14:21 PM by Lucas »

Offline budgray19

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2009, 06:15:35 PM »
but Zeta Reticuli 2 is only 32 light years away
which where these aliens are from

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2009, 06:20:11 PM »
but Zeta Reticuli 2 is only 32 light years away
which where these aliens are from
I'm yet to watch the videos, but just saying that there is probably another life form out there we just don't know it.
but my question is why does Area 51 (S4) hide these things ?

Offline budgray19

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2009, 06:38:03 PM »
my honest guess would be
because they dont want the mass of people to think that we dont have air superiority and we are not the most technologically advance

whats worse is
the people who run thease operations
arnt the smartest or the brightest

Offline Luke

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2009, 06:44:54 PM »
my honest guess would be
because they dont want the mass of people to think that we dont have air superiority and we are not the most technologically advance

whats worse is
the people who run thease operations
arnt the smartest or the brightest
Nor Are you,
kidding. :rofl:

But I find it weird because if they released some of the information they know,
it would answer so many questions. I am guessing.

like maybe the secret behind the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Offline budgray19

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2009, 07:27:42 PM »
im like cyber
i cant spell for crap

Offline col busta

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 06:28:53 PM »
I really wish that the Gov would release the info about area 51 because im sure i speak for a lot of people when i say I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH!

I do believe that aliens are real as to what i saw one time on a camping trip in new mexico...I saw something in the distance (in the sky of course) and it just sat there for at least 15 minutes (obviously not a plane) and then it seemed to turn around and shoot off into the sky...I never believed in aliens until i saw that in me a liar but i know what i saw

Thanks Blazinkaos for the sig

Offline WeZzY-F-BaBY

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 06:55:05 PM »
I think there is alot of other civilisations in our univers since there are so many galaxies out there but sometimes i wonder if area 51 is pure bs and is nothing but an airbase and they just test new aircraft alsoo they just keep it a secret to make ppl belive they have super secret alien technology also i dont think those random alien dolls they sell were just invented like that and were not inspired by a human of the same shape anyways ima go watch those videos

Offline budgray19

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 07:52:18 PM »
or area 51 is to distract u from 52

Offline RyanF

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Re: area 51 aliens. as far as i take of it, not bs
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2009, 06:50:23 PM »
Area 51 exists on google earth.  It shows no reasearch labs, but it does have a military base.  I know that the gov can make the roads going to area 51 dissappear.  I was watching youtube last month, and these 2 old ladies passed the checkpoint, and they were being videotaped.  At the checkpoint, there was a sign that it was privately owned farm property.  they weren't allowed to have cameras on the property though.
But as budgray said, this could be a coverup for another gov secured area.


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