I was just looking over your product last night... Looks like it is a very robust and well thought out mod. It was easy for myself to understand what kind of features you were explaining on your website, however It seemed to be heavy on the technical side, and a bit overwhelming to the average consumer. I think that your product is very nice, and will sell just fine, however if you want to reach your full market potential, you will need to come up with a way to clearly show the power of your mod (from what i gather is not only a programmable macro controller, the user is also able to custom map the buttons)
When I evaluate at a website I think of it as a book or a novel, and if it isnt clear to me what a book has in store in the first five minutes of reading, usually I will move on. Also not only do I want a feeling for what the book has in store, but it has to catch my attention. My only impression from your website is it read more like a text book then a novel. Again I am a bit more savvy then the average bear when it comes to this stuff and I did get a feeling for what the site/mod is for and it did catch my attention, but that was my impression from a perspective of a consumer. The product looks good, your GUI looks simple and clean, the concept is a winner, but the site will need a little bit of work in order to grab the attention of the masses.
Putting your product into a controller will definately ensure a great selling product, as personaly I have no use for fight sticks, and prefer a controller for all of my gaming.
Nice work, and thanks for sharing. Welcome to Acidmods, if you want a review let me know and I can suggest a couple guys around here who can give you an honest evaluation of your product.