Author Topic: new things  (Read 850 times)

Offline jacobia jacob

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new things
« on: September 10, 2009, 11:44:01 AM »
so i finally made it to high school for my freshman year. I've decided it's the best thing to happen in the history of ever. i have so many friends i didnt even know i had all the way up to senior year. and my school has 2 floors and is huuuuge, and the girls all magically turned really crazy hot and turns out i've known one of the hotter juniors since i was a wee lad, so she introduced me to all her hot friends and now its like BAM! i'm makin new friends constantly and people aren't all crazy immature and nosy anymore. the lunches actually taste like food and we can listen to ipods and sit pretty much wherever. so high school is pretty crazy.  :tup:

also, for the past two days i haven't been able to get on a.m., it said it couldnt be found. then before i logged in it had a white and blue theme with a different layout but as soon as i was in it went away. whats goin on?

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Re: new things
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 11:56:42 AM »
LOl things are changing everywhere.... pm me so we can talk about the birds and the bees before you get in trouble lol.. I am glad you are enjoying your schooling, as this is not usually the case.

as for the site we are now officially moved over to the new dedicated server, we have been in transition alot of the week. so it has been up and down, with a few small bugs here and there that our fearless leader is diligently working to get straightened out, and doing a wonderful job I might add. bare with us evertything is almost done and then we can move on to bigger and better things with the site.

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: new things
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2009, 12:51:18 PM »
Yes high school is quite awesome haha. I just made it to freshman year too. The freedom is always nice and the fact that so many more people (mostly girls lmao) are mature more, you find that you're enjoying your time at school more and more. Lots of people I know say high school will be the best 4 years of your life, and now that I've finally got a taste of high school, I realize they weren't kidding!

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Offline treemty

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Re: new things
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 12:57:14 PM »
my high school sucks so far lmao, but thats mainly because of the lack of attractive girls in my grade, luckily alot of kids think im a sophmore so maybe it will turnout okay. my schedule is also kinda sucky, my engineering teacher is impossible to describe without the use of foul language, because I was gone for a day and missed the first project, and the next class he said I was excused. today he yelled at me for not doing it and is trying to remove me from ALL(!!!) extracurricular activities. But on the other hand I have a hot match teacher for 3 hours(2classes) and she lets me use my phone in class! But the thing that really ruins it all is marching band.

Offline jacobia jacob

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Re: new things
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 01:43:34 PM »
your teacher sounds pretty terrible. mine are ok, had better had worse. and i have a few friends in marching band and they said they hate it. tonight our football team has a home game and everyone just goes to chill with other people. i also found a bunch of my ex's and that went pretty well so first week was awsome. only bad thing is i got assigned a seat next to the biggest creeper i've ever seen in tech drawing. hes a junior i think, doesnt talk but makes wierd growling noises if someone trys to talk to him. and hes like somewhere between gangster and goth and got like buzzed orange hair on the sides and slicked back black hair on top. i'm wondering how he managed to fit so many piercings on his face. but other than that and my bus drivers douche-baggery, school is sick.

Post Merge: September 11, 2009, 01:43:45 PM
your teacher sounds pretty terrible. mine are ok, had better had worse. and i have a few friends in marching band and they said they hate it. tonight our football team has a home game and everyone just goes to chill with other people. i also found a bunch of my ex's and that went pretty well so first week was awsome. only bad thing is i got assigned a seat next to the biggest creeper i've ever seen in tech drawing. hes a junior i think, doesnt talk but makes wierd growling noises if someone trys to talk to him. and hes like somewhere between gangster and goth and got like buzzed orange hair on the sides and slicked back black hair on top. i'm wondering how he managed to fit so many piercings on his face. but other than that and my bus drivers douche-baggery, school is sick.


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