Author Topic: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game  (Read 11938 times)

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« on: September 30, 2009, 04:04:27 PM »
I sent an e-mail to BGR but wanted to find out if anyone else is experiencing this in COD:WAW. While using SVT and last stand if you get killed and you fall down and instantly start shooting your pistol in last stand it seems like the game recognizes your shooting way to fast because it knocks you down to a very slow and governed speed. The only way out of it is to change class to something like the MP4. The next match is resets and your back to normal rapid fire.

I haven't experienced this with any other weapon combo except with last stand. Anyone else get this or understand what I'm trying to say?

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 10:52:17 PM »
I and 2 other people tested this today .. i got the email from them today .. at about noon ...

i was not able to get the same result ... it worked fine for me and 2 other people on live ...

i can make you a video to show you if you like

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2009, 04:12:01 AM »
I have not had this issue either??

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2009, 04:19:55 AM »
i can make you a video to show you if you like

Actually it's I that should and will make a video to show you.

Also for testing purposes using SVT unload entire clip holding down fire button, get killed and go into last stand and "never release the trigger" and unload the entire clip of the pistol.

Let me get setup and work on getting that video for you today.

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2009, 04:24:09 AM »
Here's how you can test to see if the rapid fire gets blocked EVER!! Do one of these things: Put the controller in COD5 fast mode, then either throw a bunch of smoke and hold the trigger and continuously fire, use the rapid fire when IN or NEXT to a tank, or order an artillery strike right on top of yourself and hold the trigger. Those are known glitchers of most "undetectable" rapid fire out (even mine ;))

Offline engine34

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2009, 07:00:20 AM »
 I just like not to be cap in WAW with the Intensa. I gotten cap with mp40, ppsh 41, m1a carbine, Then only one I will not get  cap on is the SVT. I even went over to program mode and use a code 89-92 and still get cap.

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2009, 08:17:47 AM »
Video being captured and rendered. Will be online in about 30 minutes.

BTW this time I was not using last chance. I was using SVT only.

Offline 802Chives

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2009, 08:23:51 AM »
I gotten cap with mp40, ppsh 41...
why are u using rapidfire on machine guns?

I dont mind people pointing out problems with products, however everyone has to keep in mind that this is BGR's product and ultimately it will be up to them to remedy the issue.  We will do our best to keep people informed but remember acidmods has nothing to do with BGR other then the fact that there is some staff here that is common to both companies, and we sell their product in our shop.

If you purchased your product from acidmods, then we will work with you to make sure that you are a happy customer if you are not pleased with your product.  I believe BGR will do the same, however it will take some time for them to evaluate the situation and come up with a solution depending on how wide spread the problem is.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 08:27:09 AM by 802Chives »

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 08:33:22 AM »
802Chives -

I totally understand what your saying and this thread was not created to complain or ask for support. It was more like "this happens every so often, anyone else get this". I'm only creating this video so others here don't think I have a screw loose and I'm also sending BGR the link to the video.

As I said before it works fine and is a great product but ever so often it seems like a weird cap is put into place. Anyways uploading video now...

BTW this thread was also created so future buyers might know there is a possible issue and hopefully over time we might find the solution.

Post Merge: October 01, 2009, 08:45:51 AM
Kinda long video, about 8 min long, but I wanted to show everyone how it resets after the match and how it affects other guns.

IntensaFIRE random failure

« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 08:45:51 AM by ScreamingSkulls »

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 09:03:56 AM »
Screamin: I completely understand your intentions, I was just clarifying so that people dont flock here expecting us to fix it.  You have every right to be concerned and inform other people of your issues.  we try to keep an unbiased forum, however due to the connections to this product and this forum I need to re-itterate that we are in no position to offer any sort of remedy other then working with AM customers to make sure they are happy.

Post Merge: October 01, 2009, 05:12:51 AM

Ok so I watched your video and what you are seeing is that the cap, once it has determined you are using rapidfire will not reset until a new match, reguardless of whether you change your class or turn the mod off... this is the nature of the patch. 

You didnt actually show when the gun was capped however I am assuming you got capped during normal operation? In other words you werent just holding down the trigger, you were releasing it during reload sequences? 

At anyrate there have been a handfull of complaints about this, out of several thousand installed units, so you are not alone, however you are a part of a very small minority when it comes to this product.

We will keep you posted on any developments concerning your situation.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 09:21:21 AM by 802Chives »

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 09:25:48 AM »
??? did you change the LED to red .. intensafire should come with yellow led .. on 3 and 4 .. thats the batch that is approved ..
red was for internal tesing boards  .. was never sold to public

and i need a video showing me you cap while you playing .. this will not help me ... we need to see when you get cap and what was going on at that exact moment... i would like to see that your in mode 3 ...
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 09:30:09 AM by KingMike_OS »

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2009, 09:51:14 AM »
The LED is not red, it's orange or yellow color. Maybe video made it look red.

I was in mode 3 and at the beginning of the video I thought I showed how during a match it auto capps, meaning in the video in mode 3 while holding down the trigger that is the fastest the rate of fire goes to. Turning intensafire off goes back to normal, turning back on reduces the rate of fire all all weapons but when game resets everything is back to the normal rapid fire more.

I'll setup my video camera to record me playing for the next few hours and it will take some time because as I said it's a random event, might happen within the first 10 minutes, mights happen 5 hours into playing.

You didnt actually show when the gun was capped however I am assuming you got capped during normal operation? In other words you werent just holding down the trigger, you were releasing it during reload sequences?

Yes I was releasing it during reloading.

...and I'm always in mode 3 but back to the drawing board. I'll setup my tri-pod and get to taping.

Offline engine34

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2009, 10:21:54 AM »
 SCREAMING I have the same issue and yes it sucks. Yet I notice sometimes I get cap right around a heavy fire fight. Then I really did not have any issue until last wee. When they had a dashboard update. I don,t think that is the issue. I start a match and not touch a thing and a random flash bang go flying. Or my gun will shot just a bullet. Yeah one bullet lol !!!

 802 you ask why rapid on machine gun. I get a lot tighter shot pattern. Also I don,t get a huge kick back. With the svt I only go thru maybe 16 bullets if I hold down n the trigger. With the ppsh 41 and mp40. I send down range maybe 50 bullets at the person. Trust me somehow they will die. Unless they got jug on then I might waste a clip.
 It a good product here don,t get me wrong. Look at all the features you get for 30 bucks. Then you have the debug area for a usb connection . You have the extra on/off area on the controller. You know in time someone will change the leds on it. Like any other product it going to have issue. Would it be nice to use a product with no problems. That will never happen everything breaks. HELL turn on mode 2 or 4 for halo odst. Pick up the flame thrower now that some funny :censored: right there.

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2009, 11:00:47 AM »
no offence, but are you fairly new to rapid fire? or at least to rapid fire on WAW. with the WAW game developers released a patch that limits rapid fire upon detection (this is what you are seeing) once detected your rate of fire will be limited until the next round starts. this has been the nature of the game since release basically. this mod as with most mods operate just below that point of detection. as chives and act like you know stated there are a few glitches in the game that can actually make you fire one or two shots very fast, this is happens rarely to everyone, things like smoke and tanks are known for this. when the lag makes you do a double shot (could happen modded or not) it reads a fire rate above the patch, and will limit you. this is not a case of the instafire failing, it is lag. not even network lag (oh I have great internet) its xbox lag, too many moving objects/colors etc the xbox itself will lag slightly, nothing to do with internet.

now as for what you showed us on the mp40 and other like machine guns, this is normal. it will happen with ANY rapid fire chip/kit ever. when you pull the trigger, which is a potentiometer, the voltage on that pot goes high (3v) and it will stay there until you release the trigger. so a non modded controller with a single shot, it reads the high signal and fires what the game is programmed to fire, one a machine gun as long as the voltage is high, it fires at its programmed rate which we all know is different for each gun, but fast...this is programming. when using a modded controller, ANY modded controller that works on the trigger, what is happening here is when you pull the trigger the controller pot goes high, the mod chips, read this and send a negative voltage signal to over ride that high that the controller is putting out. the negative signal is pulsed, this makes the controller think you are letting go and pressing the trigger again very fast. with any machine gun, if you pull and release and pull the trigger, it slows the rate of fire down...exactly what you have shown, just trying to let you understand why.

As for your video, it was a gallant effort, but you need to show us why it got patched. In the course of doing so, I bet you my bottom dollar that a tank, or smoke or a crappy host is the cause…some sort of lag. The only way to ensure this never happens is to slow the fire rate down, and not operate this close to the patch, then people will complain the rate is too slow. Sorry to say this, but your gripe is with the game not the product.

If you pull the trigger slightly in any other mode, other than mode #3 you will get capped even if you slow it way down in mode 5. as modes 1,2,4,5 are standard even pulse rates, the mode 3 is special and the pulse waves are tooth waves, or uneven pulses.

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2009, 11:40:42 AM »
 HEY MODDED MATT don,t try to attack the guy and get away with no offense. I mean at least he stepping forth and saying there is a little bit of an issue with it. I get cap most of the time with it even going into mode 5. Who knows they did fix the glitch with two controllers the other day. So people could not have the modded clan tags. That when I notice thing change a little. AT least he telling you guys so at least you can help your consumers that bought from your site. WE dont need a repeat of the mess from last time  LOL ( just playin MIKE) There going to error on new product so when the next one comes out problems is address. BETWEEN acidmods and bgrmods personals that work on this. It a great product just need a little more bug work out that all. Who knows you might just have a little bad batch that went out. IT JUST HAPPENS !!! I fell as you coming across as if he has no clue on what he talking about. I getting cap also but I work around it.  That just my view on the matter

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2009, 11:42:22 AM »

Thanks for the clarification and yes, I can admit it, I'm very new (newbie) to rapid fire. The product is nice and great bang for it's buck but I kinda thought that threshold would be low enough not to get capped but after your nice reply and I get and understand what your saying however for :censored:s and giggles I was able to get a full game (after 5 full games) to show when it capped. so for your viewing pleasure here you go...

btw don't think I'm acting :censored:y in the video, my wife tells me I sound like an :censored: but it wasn't intended that way.  :tup:

IntensaFIRE second video

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2009, 12:29:00 PM »
ok guys, matt wasnt attacking anybody.  he was simply explaining to Screamin, that what he was showing in his first video, is a well known symptom of being capped from this patch(I will say screamin showed the effect very well).  This isnt the first time matt has been called out for attacks that were not even attacks at all.  The no offense phrase was used to let Screamin know that its ok to be a noob and that he is not trying to bash him, rather just educate him why his video wasnt very helpful in this situation.

Matt raises a good point about the lag of LIVE causing false rapidfire Patch detection readings.  I never much thought about that but it makes perfect sense why that patch has been known to falsely trigger on finger shooters becase there is no way to finger shoot much more then ~5SPS and yet sometimes they get still get capped.

I guess probably it is a null point as Intensafire expressly states that it is not intended to be used on LIVE.... lol

Screamin dont worry about offending people, you have shown you are not doing this out of disrespect with previous posts, besides it takes a lot more the sounding like a dink to offend us, usually it takes a call from the FBI to piss us off :winker:  (hahaha, I couldnt resist)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 12:31:57 PM by 802Chives »

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2009, 12:43:27 PM »
DUDE found the problem you got hit with the ever famous ringer mod. You take the time to answer the phone then gremlins :censored: up the controller and put lag on your home network LOL

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2009, 01:28:10 PM »
@ engine and sceaming, I appologize if I offended you, that was not my intent, and it was definatly not an attack. the "no offence" coment was in reference to asking him if he was new to rapid fire, as he clearly stated he is a noob, I think you are the only one who took it that way dude.

If I wnanted to attack someone and get away with it, I would just do it lol
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 01:59:29 PM by modded matt »

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2009, 01:45:53 PM »
just got done watching the last vedio, and first let me start to say that this is not an issue that we are doubting you or calling you a liar..I dont think anyone ever made such an acusation, and reading back through everyone stated that this is posible, and I think I have explained why. unfortuatly there is not solution for this.  it is a rarity that affects all rapid fire mods in this game, it happens at exactly 2.22 in the video, and am I the only one who sees the bright flash as you go into last stand, this verywell could be the overload I was speaking of.

as for the mp40, you will get very simmilar results using an automatic weapon before you are patched. start a new game in mode three and use the mp40. it will behave in a very simmilar manner, and I have explaned why that happens also, very little to do with the patch or the instafire.

DUDE found the problem you got hit with the ever famous ringer mod. You take the time to answer the phone then gremlins :censored: up the controller and put lag on your home network LOL

LOL the funny thing about that statment is that if he is infact using a DSL internet conection that statment may cary weight. When my brother in law who has a slow dsl conection gets a phone call he gets dropped half the time, and his conection imideatly goes red if he is not dropped, so yea, however, IDK about the gremlins though.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 02:02:18 PM by modded matt »

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2009, 02:10:11 PM »
Nah I'm using comcrap super-duper high priced

I take no offense to anything in this thread and I've learned a few things but as I said before I just though such a product would have gone below the threshold to avoid this issue BUT with patches and other crap who knows. Anyways I'm cool with the product, shesshhh been playing non-stop since my last post and no issues. Anyways I'm out, smoke a cig and back to COD.

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2009, 02:54:06 PM »
 NAH !!!  Matt you did not offnd me. Just throwing my two cents into the mix. Yet I watch the video a few times myself and have to ask what kind of router are you using.  I also run the high end 20 up but 2 down. I would have lag issue from time to time. IS your box wireless or you hard wired. Because I watch the video again and saw the phone  ring. watch around the 1:53 mark to the 2:26 mark. Right after you answer the call bam you get hit with the patch. That is lag because you might even have the phone with comcrap. Either way the famous ringer mod wins again. Funny thing this is the only game I get patch on

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2009, 05:25:12 PM »
I'm hard linked to a linksys and the phone is provided through verizon so it's on a different feed than my cable but now that I know smoke, grenades, tanks, artillery etc etc can affect things I started to pay attention and the last time it happened it was in a world of gang rap grenades and BAM I was capped. Anyways BGR posted on my youtube channel:

Try the programmable mode 5: speed 88-90!

So if this bothers anyone else they can do the above but for me I could careless, 1 out of 10 or 20 games, well I can't complain. :drunk:

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2009, 06:35:59 PM »
I am going to add something here (and I dont care if I sound like an ass):

You guys make it sound like there is something that can be fixed. Guess what. It cannot be 'fixed'. Everyone that has any knowledge of the patch 'work-around' knows there is no way to make a completely undetectable rapdifire for WAW under all circumstances. Anyone who claims such is  :censored: lying. Here is why:

You state that BGR and AM could have reduced the rate of fire to go far enough below the possible threashold for getting caught by the patch. Guess what. That threashold is like 4 shots per second. Actually, probably even less. Why? When these 'Lag' events occur (tank, in the middle of artillery strikes, smoke) the processor is laden down. It begins to stutter on the game program itself. The 'patch' is quite simply looking at the time the trigger is being held down. It calculates a kind of average. When the game goes nuts, it is executing the 'patch' code slower and hence it records the controllers signal as faster in relative terms. Think of it as how slow-motion works in max-payne. The game slows down, but your clicks are still real-time. The game thinks your firing above the threashold. It is a flaw in the way they made the patch. There is no fix.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2009, 06:42:14 PM »
Yeah Hazer I think this was...uhhh....already pointed out. It was also properly explained to me, if you don't recall I "ALREADY" admitted I was a noobie, that this so called threshold couldn't really be reached due to all the back ground processes.

So in closing thanks for your input and I hope you feel better knowing that your wisdom has blessed us all.  :faint:

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2009, 06:49:59 PM »
Well sad hazer ...  :clap:

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2009, 07:28:07 PM »
 Well I look at this way Hazer if it appears to broke you either with it or with out it.  I don,t think we ever came across as we knew you would fix it. I mean BGR that is. Screamin is just making a point here with his video. I have the same issue as him. Yet that is that. SO don,t get your panties in a knot .Screamin just pointed out a flaw that is it. He said what I saying it a good product. It a shame it look upon as a newbie mod. Because there is very little soddering going on. Hey maybe in some due time this product will take off. The design change rapid fire world around and best it cheap. IT'S nerve racking when the cap kicks in of course but just wait until next round. If someone could figure mode 3 out power to them. Wait until cod mw2 comes around you know there going to alot of wtf man going on there.
 SO thank BGR for coming out with a good product. Like 802 said acidmods is willing to help out there consumers. Well it been brought up. Nothing can really be done so people might have to run more of a mode 5. That what that mode is use for. THANK GOD we have that option. SO as far as I am concern CHECK PLEASE!!! to all good day !!!

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2009, 08:37:41 PM »
Yeah Hazer I think this was...uhhh....already pointed out. It was also properly explained to me, if you don't recall I "ALREADY" admitted I was a noobie, that this so called threshold couldn't really be reached due to all the back ground processes.

So in closing thanks for your input and I hope you feel better knowing that your wisdom has blessed us all. 

True enough for you. But I wanted the point to come out clear for all who read this thread and not get a false interpretation of it since the guys here at AM have to handle their responses with diplomacy and tact. I, on the other hand, dont have such a restriction and can tell it like a total arse-hole since its not my product. I have no personal investment in the intensifire and as such I can lay it straight and narrow.

There are people who would take this thread as "oh the intensafire is broken and needs to get fixed" when that simply is not true. The problem lies completely in the crappy patch that Treyarch decided to throw at thier customers. As for MW2, dont get too excited about it. I would bet my left nut that the COD4 'rework' was actually a test of what they plan to put into MW2 (or COD6 .... whatever). And that is not a crappy patch, that is a direct maximum rate of fire and what I have said all along that these developers should have done in the first place.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2009, 04:59:20 AM »
thank you for your imput hazer, I dont think they know who you are, but I appreciate your post. for anyone who dosnt know, 85% of all the rapid fire designs on ebay are based on hazers design. you guys cam flame me all you want, but please  keep any flaming posts about hazer to yourself, Hazer is a pioneer to rapid fire...use google for the name
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 05:02:18 AM by modded matt »

Offline ScreamingSkulls

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Re: IntensaFire failure 1/2 through game
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2009, 05:05:10 AM »
I dont think they know who you are, but I appreciate your post.

......or care. The world revolves in a much calmer and organized way when people choose to work together to understand one another. When one person attempts to scream so they can present themselves as an arsehole or JUST BECAUSE they want to make sure others heard them, it creates such a confusion that the original issue is sometimes over looked.

In closing the IntensaFIRE is a kick @ss product, works flawlessly and is the best bang for your buck!


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