Author Topic: Suggestions???  (Read 966 times)

Offline lilunwl

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« on: October 24, 2009, 03:55:11 PM »
Ok Guys first off I hope its ok I post this here but if not I apologize in advance. I posted on the electronics project but got not even one response. I figured since my idea has to do with a 360 controller maybe it would do better here. I am looking to have an idea of mine  made on a flexible PCB. I dont really know where to start with it but my idea would consist of me making a drawing and haveing a flexible pcb made. I will be selling them if it all works out like I have planned. Its not anything to do with rapid fire. And I really dont want to broadcast it just because of obvious reasons. No its nothing thats going to make millions but its something I want to be the first to do. Well atleast I have never seen it before. So if anyone could give me a suggestion or 2 as to where to get the flexible pcb made I would greatly appreciate your help.  Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


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