Author Topic: Rumble mod on MS led  (Read 1541 times)

Offline Ben93

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Rumble mod on MS led
« on: November 05, 2009, 05:04:23 PM »
Hi guys

Can someone confirm if I solder the positive side of the rumble motor at this 5V spot:

and the negative side to somewhere else on the motherbord (suggestions please?) the rumble motor will work when the MS led flickers = when files are loading?


Offline lakrulez14

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Re: Rumble mod on MS led
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 06:26:45 PM »
the rumble motor wnt rumble when files are recieving or loading from rite there. that 5v point is always active. but a good idea that i was trying to do bt never finished that u can try is make it rumble when u press a button like the x button, triangle, circle and so on. pm me for more info. oh and almost forgot WELCOME TO THE SITE!  :tup:
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 06:28:46 PM by lakrulez14 »

Offline Ben93

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Re: Rumble mod on MS led
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 03:00:42 AM »
I've send you a PM ;)

But I'll also ask it here:

Which side of the motor should i solder to e.g. the X or the L-trigger (can't find the spot for the R-trigger, would be better) and where should i solder the other side to?


EDIT: Got some help over PM and came up to this

I tried soldering to the X, but then X doesn't work anymore, it only makes the motor rumble, but doesn't affect the PSP.

Eventually, i found a sollution to make it rumble when the L-trigger is pressed. With a needle, i've made a small hole in the plastic above the pcb in the line to the trigger and put my kynar negative in there. Now he continiously rumbles very soft, but when the l-trigger is pressed, you can feel it rumble very well. The only thing that's left is putting in a switch.

I also had to bridge the fuse of the ms led because it was melted. The ms led is now 3 times brighter so it will melt eventually, but we'll se.

EDIT2: crap, stupid me

I was testing my new mod with motorstorm and guess what? The l-trigger only works as input when rumble is deactivated. Damn, should have known that. Luckily I built in a swtich. Swtich turned on => rumble, swtich turned off => psp input.

Post Merge: November 08, 2009, 07:19:55 AM
I'm sorry fot the bump and double post, but does somebady know if there is a way to use a button to activate rumble and still use it as psp input? Without programming a chip?

« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 07:19:55 AM by Ben93 »


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