Author Topic: Wondering if there is a market for one of my PSP's :faint:  (Read 745 times)

Offline l0rdnic0

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Wondering if there is a market for one of my PSP's :faint:
« on: November 29, 2009, 03:52:03 PM »

Here’s a good question, if you were in the market to buy a PSP Slim 2000 (TA-085), Running 5.0 M33-6 and you knew that it was one of mine with some mods done to it… What type of mods would you expect, and on the flip side what would you expect to spend?

I have a Silver Slim that I’m looking to sell but before I sell it I want to see what type of market there would be for one of my creations. For those of you that don’t know me I don’t think I’m anything special, but I take my time and every mod I do looks like Sony shipped it that way. The PSP in question is my very first PSP Slim! It has seen sites multiple times, like Acidmods, Engadget, Hackaday, Gizmodo, QJ, and PSPhacking101 just to name a few. Some of the mods that were done to this PSP included but were not limited to the first Sound Reactive LEDs in a slim, The first Dual Nub Razor install in a slim, The Trackball, Led  X [] O /\ Buttons, The Electronic Switch Mod and the Magnetic Switch.

Presently this PSP is sitting on my work bench and I think I want to get rid of it. It is in my opinion that this PSP is in near perfect condition with only 3 small scratches in the back. It has a brand new OEM UMD Door and Ring. Presently it is equipped with 5 sound reactive blue Led’s(One in the UMD door and the shoulder buttons and one on each side of the lower LCD Near the power plug and Strap), USB charge  Mod, Internal Mic, Reed switch and presently a track ball (which I would probably replace with a razor.

I have a door with one of my Dragon Jewels that I would put back in there (to make use of the LED in the UMD area).

This PSP also has the Electric switch mod so no need to use the wifi switch to turn on and off the led’s. If we’re all lucky and I have time (insert joke here), I intend to do something a little special with the modes of to electric switch mod in this PSP and provide something original that would make you say ohhhh and ahhhhhh. Also I intend on including a PSP-XBOX Chatpad and the software to make it all work.

Oh yeah one more thing. I have the Box and Receipt for this PSP, its modded I don’t think there is any warranty anymore!

L0rdNiC0 Pioneering Mods on the PSP Slim :taunt:
Sound Mod, Button LED Mod, Security Mod, Dual NUB, Mode Select Switch + More

Offline Luke

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Re: Wondering if there is a market for one of my PSP's :faint:
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 03:24:51 AM »
I would expect at least a razor-x, A couple LEDS, and other small mods.

I would personally pay $400 usd for "your" psp slim.


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