Author Topic: 360 Controller Dome Lighting Question  (Read 1838 times)

Offline pigoesfar

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360 Controller Dome Lighting Question
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:39:27 PM »
Hey guys, i've been doing modding and electronics work for a while now but never really post on forums, (just use them  :tup:) but Acidmods seems to be a great community and I figured I might as well ask you guys before I go and screw up a controller.  I have looked at some circuit board scans and I am wondering if it is possible to hook up four LEDs to the four player SMD LEDs so that they move and light up in the same pattern without taking voltage from the SMDs.
ex. I had this idea that if I don't cut out the dividers in the dome and just put in four leds and somehow wire them to a point on the PCB board to get them to be activated in the same pattern as the four player leds that would look cool.
Thanks, tell me what you think!

Offline spurgurgle

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Re: 360 Controller Dome Lighting Question
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 04:01:15 AM »
hi mate yeah this is do-able.... i did it in my mod off entry..,33309.0.html

in the d'pad... note it changes color with the ROL...

it was simple to do..... i had a wire from a ground point going to the - side of 4 0603 leds in a cluster (1 of each color) then 4 wires going from the + side of the 4 extra leds in the d-pad. to the + side of the ROL leds (1 for each led) and there u go a multi color'd D-pad. or in ur case dome......

also i think FOO FOO did this on a crystal red case with 2 set of extra leds.. (1 set round each anolog stick.....)

yeah he did do it ......,5497.0.html

hope this is a help to you .... and good luck with your mod..... it'd be good to see a video of it when its done......


also on another note.... Welcome to Acidmods..... hope you enjoy your stay.....
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 04:05:24 AM by spurgurgle »

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
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Offline pigoesfar

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Re: 360 Controller Dome Lighting Question
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 03:46:23 PM »
Hey, thanks for the tips.  That was my first thought but I figured that doing that would impede the brightness of the SMDs because on one of my controllers, when I stripped off an rol SMD pad on the pos side of the player 4 one  :wacko: I had to solder some wire and connect it to the pos on the player 3 smd so there was not enough voltage going to the player 4 one.  It still lights, just not as bright as the others.  Is this just because of the was they are wired and why does this not happen when you did it?  Also, I saw your mod a while ago.  Very pro! When you did it did you just wire it and share the pads with the existing smds or what?  Thanks for your help!
PS I am just getting into painting the controllers and I just finished a cool red tiger controller and will maybe upload a vid of that.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 03:47:00 PM by pigoesfar »

Offline spurgurgle

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Re: 360 Controller Dome Lighting Question
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 04:46:05 PM »
umm when i was doingthat mod i did notice that it was a little dimmer..... when it was 2 leds running off of the contact....

and yeah i just solder a peice of 30awg wire straight to the +contact next to the 0603...

then off to the led cluster....

which where all joined by the - contact with a wire coming off going to a ground... any ground. preferably 1 near where the leds will be to minimise wire....

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
"I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"

Offline pigoesfar

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Re: 360 Controller Dome Lighting Question
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 05:54:15 PM »
Thanks.  I've been looking for a way to intercept the circuitry far back enough that I don't affect the voltage going to the SMDs but "close enough" to the SMDs that I get that chaser affect.  Please excuse the badly phrased electronic babble :laughing:.  I was doing some looking on the internet and I found these scans of controllers and I think that I have isolated a point "far back" enough.  Just a guess though but I will try it out later.
I marked this image in paint.  This is the back of a Matrix controller with the components gone.  I have marked where I think the pos. for the SMDs are in red and the neg points are with their corresponding trace on the chip in black. 
Much thanks to RDC of for all of the scans.  You can see more of these and ones with trace markings and such here.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 05:57:32 PM by pigoesfar »


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