Author Topic: Would anyone be interested in something like this? *poll added...sorta*  (Read 3509 times)

Offline PspKicks316

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This is something I'm working on for a project of mine.
It's not being used as a 360 controller, but I'm using this vid to show off the RoL mod.

If I sold kits to change the RoL like this, would any of you buy them?

In case it's not too visible, the leds cycle clockwise, then fade in fully, fade out fully, then fade in and stay on when the controller is on.
This can be combined with a bunch of rapidfire modes on 1 chip, as well as other mods.
I'm probably going to get another chip setup and code a mean little 360 controller to show off what I can do with these.


Would those of you interested in this like to see it reprogrammable via the PnC port so it can be programmed with different speeds, rapidfire, bootup led sequences, etc?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 09:35:20 AM by PspKicks316 »

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 07:15:07 PM »
This looks very nice kicks, I will definitely be purchasing one of these kits.
Try to add some extra modes such as led faders, or maybe some kind of pulsing rumble motors would be fun :P

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 07:18:07 PM »
yeah thats looks pretty cool kicks

i would probilly be interested in something like this......

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
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Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 07:22:04 PM »
All of that is definitely possible.

By the way, I found a spot to put the chip (28pin IC) without removing the motors ;)

There's no way I can get a regulated 3v3 from wireless controllers. No way.
I need a 3v3 spot at LEAST for this.
I may be able to tone it down to less. If I can, then great.
If I can't...then guess what, this would be ported to the console itself xD
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 07:42:02 PM by PspKicks316 »

Offline tnsmongoose

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 11:48:41 PM »
i would.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 12:47:56 PM »
Alright to list of different things that would be added:
Custom RoL startup sequence
Adjustable rapidfire on both triggers (thinking of a way to make this reprogrammable on the controller)
Rapidfire indicator led
Rapidfire pwm led (led fades according to the speed of the rapidfire)
Rumble activated leds

What else?
I'm thinking of making it so there's a bunch of modes to choose from (led modes, considering on a stock controller there's only 4 leds).
Choosing modes will probably be based on holding down a button (LB for example), and then pressing another button (dpad for leds and abxy for rapidfire and such).

I do have a limited space, so I can't promise too much, but the stuff I mentioned will definitely be added. Feedback appreciated.

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2009, 04:04:44 AM »
This is actually something that I have been working on as well. I am actually in the process of finding someone to make the pcb's for it.(been looking for a while) I have had this lil idea in my head for some time now and now I see I am not the only one thinking about it. LoL Congrats on the great thinking and good luck with selling the kits.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2009, 12:57:31 PM »
Can't sell until I get some more chips in and test though. Haha.
You don't need a PCB either...or anything apart from the chip. Not with my way, at least.
Just the chip and some wire.

Just gotta wait until the programmer I want is back in stock and I'll be set.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 03:27:54 PM by PspKicks316 »

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2009, 06:11:04 PM »
If anyone wants an update on this, I'm just waiting till the programmer I want is back in stock and then I'm ordering stuff for this.

By the way, this is for CG controllers. I should be able to make a Matrix version if anyone wants.

EDIT: This will now be developed for CGv2 as well (Just realized I had one).
I also found a different version of the chip I'm using. This one is TQFP size instead of PDIP. It should fit on the back of the controller PCB with no modification to the controller shell.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 08:47:01 AM by PspKicks316 »

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this? *poll added...sorta*
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 06:35:38 AM »
Bump, there's a chance I may be working on this today if I can use my Arduino for programming these chips (I'm not sure if I can yet, especially since my Arduino is dead).

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this?
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2009, 06:49:29 AM »
If anyone wants an update on this, I'm just waiting till the programmer I want is back in stock and then I'm ordering stuff for this.

By the way, this is for CG controllers. I should be able to make a Matrix version if anyone wants.

EDIT: This will now be developed for CGv2 as well (Just realized I had one).
I also found a different version of the chip I'm using. This one is TQFP size instead of PDIP. It should fit on the back of the controller PCB with no modification to the controller shell.

Just so you know, Have you ever programmed a TQFP before? or at least worked with one? Or is your video using this? Highly recommaned the schmart boards for prototyping. Whats the pitch on the PIC your using?

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Would anyone be interested in something like this? *poll added...sorta*
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2009, 07:17:19 AM »
I've used them before.
The video uses a TQFP version (sort of a breakout board, if you will).

32-lead, 7 x 7 mm Body Size, 1.0 mm Body Thickness, 0.8 mm Lead Pitch.

It's not that bad. I chose these because the un-used pins can easily be cut off and it's actually not that bad to solder to anyway.
The size requirement in the 360 controller is small too. You can fit a 28pin PDIP IC in there, between the ABXY and shell, but I found this to be easier.
I could always work on a PDIP version as well.

Oh, and it's an AVR not a PIC lol

Post Merge: December 13, 2009, 04:57:36 PM
So I'll be testing stuff out later, and putting this in my controller.
So long as my makeshift parallel port printer works... the usb one I want is STILL out of stock.

Post Merge: December 16, 2009, 06:32:59 PM
Programmer doesn't work so I have to buy a real one. Hopefully it's the programmer and not my circuit...
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 06:32:59 PM by PspKicks316 »


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