Author Topic: How to get the help you need when you are not a professional?  (Read 829 times)

Offline lilunwl

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How to get the help you need when you are not a professional?
« on: December 29, 2009, 06:02:17 PM »
Ok I am sure I will get some hate for this post however I am reaching out in hopes someone will be willing to help me out a bit. Ok I have a modding Idea and have held it in for many months. The last Idea I held onto for some time didnt know how to go about it and then a few months later seen it being made and people are enjoying it. I was bothered that I couldnt follow through with it until to late because of lack of knowledge on my part. So now I have a modding Idea that I would like to do or would like some help doing and I just dont know where to get everything I need to get it moving. I live in ohio and have looked locally for someone with some experiance with electronics and pics but have not had any luck. I dont know where to get PCBs made and I cant program. And that is what my idea consists of. I have emailed atleast 10 PCB companies with not one response back. I guess what I am asking is does anyone know of any PCB manufatures that are reputable or is anyone interested in possibly helping me out with my idea? No I wont put it out there completely on the boards because I would like to possibly make kits and sell them if things go as I hope for. But if your seriously interested let me know. Or if you want to just point me in the right direction and wish me luck that would be appreciated as well. I know the famous saying to us noobs is use google its your best friend. However I want to make sure its known I have spent many many hours on google and I am still in the same place. That place is an idea without a clue how to get it done. Anyone know of any electronics groups in ohio? I found one in New York and other states but none in Ohio. That could be a door opener if anyone knows of one of them. Well I hope I posted in the right spot and sorry if I didnt.

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Re: How to get the help you need when you are not a professional?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 06:07:49 PM »
I'm in PA if you need any help man. I can get PCB's made as well.


Offline Kilokk

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Re: How to get the help you need when you are not a professional?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 09:47:03 PM »
i can look around and see if i have any connections (i live in ohio as well and i am pretty well connected) and i will let you know what i can find out.


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