Author Topic: General Motors is manufactureing electric motors, coming in 2013  (Read 1595 times)

Offline dedafmonteur

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FINALLY, General Motors realised that it may be a good idea to build some friggin hybrids!
I know it's fun to drive a V10....till u get to the gas station!

Looks like General Motors is ready to make a sizable investment in its electric future. The company's announced it will be investing $246 million Dollar into making a high volume motor production facility for designing and manufacturing electric motors. This will be the first Amnerican based automaker to do so. It's going to be awhile until we see any in mass production. they wont show their electric motor until 2013. I just hope no one beats them to it!

Electric motor in the making:

I will keep you guys posted, My uncle knows the boss of general motors personally so ill hear a lot from him!


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