Today in school i was drawing a plexi-glass fish tank with a spot for the Xbox's disk drive to sit on the outside of the Fish tank. The Disk drive bill be recessed inside the tank so it still looks legit.
Then i will draw it in AutoCAD 2010 and cut my pieces with our CNC machine. Hopefully Epoxy will water/mineral oil tighten the fish tank with a
drive hole in the side.
The Cable for the disk drive will run through a hole just tight enough for the power and data Cables. Window and Door Caulking will seal the hole good enough.
I will test this is three stages:
1. test to see if the disk drive will fit in it's outside case.
2. Glue a bunch of Test wires (IDE cable Ethernet cable) instead of an actual xbox360 disk drive and it's cables with water. (Check for leaks)
3. Then i Will try a p00p computer that i don't need. see if that runs overnight on full processor power to see if it cools OK. (Check for Leaks and Stability)
4. Testing the xbox360.
Woohooo Its done (hopefully)