Author Topic: Dual Nub Without Razor x by Wetfusion  (Read 7272 times)

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Dual Nub Without Razor x by Wetfusion
« on: February 02, 2010, 12:03:05 PM »
    dual Nub without Razor-x
    by wetfusion

    ok this is a quick little tut on how to prepare your nub to work without the razor-x

    Parts Needed
    • your 2nd psp nub
    • 30awg kynar wire

    Tools Needed
    • soldering iron
    • a pin
    • a rotary tool (such as a dremal)

    Difficulty rating: 3/5

    Average Time to Complete: 30-60min

    Notes: be carefull to makesure the inside of the nub is as smooth as possible and apply some greasy in there to make the nub move around smoothly

    Step By Step Tutorial
    1- first take apart your nub you'll only need the upper and lower parts of the nub

    2-dremel down the lower part of the nub so it becomes thin and smaller, the left shows the lower part of the nub before dremel. and on the right shows after.

    3- you'll want to take your pin and first poke 2 holes through the llower peice of the nub near the ring that the spring sits on, then thread a peice of strip wire through them to create the ground ring in the center of this pic

    now take the needle again and use it to make 4 more hole to thread wire though to create contacts for /\ [] 0 and X

    4- finaly carefully put the nub back together, use some glue or the original clip to hold it together

    thats the tut complete if sucessfull you should be able to wire this up like you would a nub with the razor-x....
    also heres some pictures from me (Spurgurgle) i did my nub a little different to wetfuisions

    and finally here a video of it wokring... (the nub demo is at the end of the video)
    psp custom mods ( dual nub activated by hold switch)

    FAQ/ Troubleshooting
    • make sure the insdie of the nub is as smooth as possible
    • if any durection isnt working check inside the nub to make sure the spring is contacting the wires

    All credit for this tut and mod goes to wetfusion
    « Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 03:58:27 PM by laxboy »

    Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
    Spurgurgle d.t com
    "I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"


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