Speaking of which I finally got home from a 1 1/2 hour drive to Philly, PA at an unofficial MLG 2v2 tournament featuring COD and Halo. I got to meet my long xbox live friend and teammate 'o Nubcake o' there. He is from new jersey and isn't old enough to drive, so his mom had to take him. I'm from Harrisburg PA though its still far.
My friend is only 15 and hes Better than tD Heinz (I swear he is).
We got kicked out of the winners brackets after loosing against to some scrubs spamming noob weapons on Epitaph Slayer because I swear thats all they play.
I choked on a

tripple kill

on MLG The Pit v7 Slayer on our second game because i was about 1 shot on Flat about to out BR a dude that spawned on Needles, we had LAN host so i should have killed that sucker.
We played Flag on Matchmaking Narrows and as usual we setup some spawn traps to piss off the other team. We played them like it was team slayer and they got really, really mad. I had the flag and rockets top mid and my budd has sniper calling them out by lift side. I took point guard position on R1 and R2 and killed whoever tried to grab the sniper on bottom blue's sniper spawn. We eventually won after both of us stopped goofing off.
The game we had lost was Old Epitaph Slayer, typical boosters that spam noob weapons grab the hammer, shotty, rockets, the AR, and a crap load of stickies with bubble shield and power drain and camp by bottom shotgun lift like pussies. Its not surprising that one of them was fat, because both of them were.
We played customs [infection FTW] until the winners brackets were done, we got 5th place.

Anyway it was a hell of a lot of fun playing and meeting my xbl friend but it was a waste of gas but its whatever. I also think this is the main reason why college is expensive when they host these kind of events I mean where do they get all the lease/loan money for the food/drinks and console rental? seriously...
There were a bunch of people playing CODMW2 and COD4 but i don't play it.
And guys if you want to play custom games I'm cool about playing with anyone with any skill level because i don't care, its just a game. Since i really like to forge and play almost any gametype as long as its not retarded. I prefer Forge, Infection, modded stuff, or any MLG gametype. [im not really on since all of my xboxes have RROD]. I go to my friends house and he forces me to play castle crashers

so yeah. You can add me i guess.
- Thanks froggy <3
- Ghost Death I have probably seen worse. (trust me)
owww I got a headache.