Author Topic: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller  (Read 7531 times)

Offline Dracc

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Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:14:14 PM »
Hey everyone. I just wanted to share my new controller with you. It was actually built by Minister Morbid of, but it was built exactly to my designs.

To start we have a two zone color scheme(My design). the undercoat is a fall camo. The camo that Morbid had on hand was not the right color, so he used an orange basecoat to change the palette and hand painted in the yellow. The handles are a textured black finish for extra grip.

The guide button is Morbid's own Red Dot Scope mod, and the LEDs have been changed to red to match. Also, the face buttons have been replaced with 357 MAG shells, another Morbid original mod. The right analog stick has been lengthened(My design) to aprox. the same length you have when using FPS Freek stick extensions. The left and right analog stick click buttons have been disabled, and those functions are now found on the underside of the controller(also my design), again as 357 MAG shells. Inside it has a 4-mode autofire mod with selective ROF.

The only mod left before it gets shipped to me is a custom logo for the battery pack: A skull and crossed M16s, with a headshot cross-hair on the skull to be done in black and white.

Morbid put up a video of it here:
MorbidStix - Custom Controller - Fall Savage Elite

So, half of the mods are purely for aesthetics, and half are purely for performance. I have a terrible habit of pressing the right stick too hard when I aim rapidly which makes me melee in COD, and caused me to zoon in during CQC in Halo 3. This leads to my death... alot. So it was not enough to just add the button to the underside, I needed the original button disabled. I had it done to both sticks to aid things like holding your breath while sniping. Now I will never drift around. This mod will work for alot of FPS games and addresses my distinct play-style and quirks. I obviously don't need to explain the rationale behind the autofire mod here :yess: The lengthened right analog stick was another must for me. I use FPS Freeks, and once you try them, you can never go back. But they are ugly... and this controller was going to be too pretty to shove some stick extenders on, so I had Morbid hand craft a permanent stick extension. Also, the grippy black handles should be comfy during long gaming sessions.

As for the aesthetic mods, I based the entire look on the M16A4 as it appears in COD:MW2. I went with the Fall camo for the that reason, and I use the red dot on my M16A4, so that mod was a must. Obviously the 357 MAG shells don't mesh with the M16 theme... but they do look very :censored: sick. The logo was inspired by the headshot logo in MW2 as well. I'm very close to my Gold M16A4 title for 1000 post prestige headshots, and this controller will help me finish them all off.

Morbid and I spent almost a month emailing back and forth as he put this one together, and over 50 emails later this is where we are. I can't wait to get it in my hands, and when I do I'll update this thread with new pics and video. In the meantime, tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for I just wanted to share my controller and the mods I designed, and wanted all credit given where it is due.

Offline aZiZ1

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 07:54:06 PM »
thats a sick controller, love how well the buttons turned out, however, i dont like the handle color...

Offline Dracc

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 11:21:34 PM »
That is the only color that texture is available in AFAIK. And if you are going to match anything to orange camo, black is about your only choice. I considered asking Morbid if the texture could be laid down below the camo, but the glossy finish would ruin the texture. I'm actually a big fan of two tone controller mods, so it works for me.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 07:56:13 AM »
Gun shell casings for buttons has been done before by a few people I think

And no offense, it looks AWESOME, but I'm not a fan of the color scheme either. It's a little...I guess flashy for my tastes. It looks amazing though! I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him to paint this!

Offline 802Chives

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 08:36:14 AM »
First let me say that it is a sick controller, I love everything about it.  It is no small feat making a nice controller like that and even coming up with all the design details. nice job to you and morbid.

At first I had the same reaction as PSPkicks, as I remember seeing the bullet shell mod more than a year ago at xbox scene, so I looked it up and that guy actually said he saw it on another site. so it very possibly could have been done by morbid originally... idk

When reading this  I didnt think much about some of your comments until i read your disclaimer:
Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for I just wanted to share my controller and the mods I designed, and wanted all credit given where it is due.

I think it is great ur giving credit, however it makes you sound like you want to take credit for things that have been done over and over again in the modding scene for many years.
To start we have a two zone color scheme(My design)The right analog stick has been lengthened(My design) to aprox. the same length you have when using FPS Freek stick extensions. The left and right analog stick click buttons have been disabled, and those functions are now found on the underside of the controller(also my design),

Now dont get me wrong I suspect you are not trying to take credit for coming up with these mods, however your wording may be taken that way.

Offline Dracc

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 01:20:05 PM »
Anyone who reads this and decides that I am trying to claim ownership of, or that I was the first to think of these mods it is just looking for a flame war.

The way I read it on the website, Morbid does lay claim to the 357 mod. All I know is that he is offering enough unique mods and services that I have no reason to question him. You really ought to look at his gallery if you have any doubts. In the end, I don't really care who did it first, I only care that it looks good on my controller, lol.

My disclaimer was meant to inform people that I did nothing more than design the controller, that Morbid did all the hard work, and that I wasn't writing this as some sort of advertisement.

So if anyone misinterprets my post, then that is likely their own problem, and I will undoubtedly ignore any comments that might lead this thread down an ugly path.

One more detail since PSPkicks mentioned the paint: Morbid uses hydrochromatic printing to apply his camo and carbon fiber finishes. Normally this means that no hand painting is needed, however to get the color right he graciously added all of the yellow to the base camo pattern by hand. Again, his gallery has some examples of what this painting process can create.

I see that everyone is less than satisfied with the color scheme itself, which I understand because it is pretty gaudy. However if you compare this to the Fall camo found in MW2 you will see that it is pretty accurate. Anyone who plays MW2 should appreciate what Fall camo means and how much of a status symbol it is. I assure you that the guns in the game are every bit as gaudy so in the end it is exactly what I wanted  :tup:
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 01:23:51 PM by Dracc »

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 04:14:32 PM »
Oh yeah of course, it looks exactly like the fall camo and I understand the significance of it. It's just not the prettiest of colors LOL. I'm sure it looks better in person, though. Cameras pretty much always diminish the quality of a mod.

And for all I know, he might have been the person the originally did the gun shell mod. All I know is I remember seeing it a long time ago.

As for the misinterpretations, you don't need to post like that. No one is looking for a flame war. I'd advise against speaking to an admin of this site like that lol.
We were just saying that the ones that you said you "designed" were already done before.
On a modding site, "design" can, generally speaking, mean one of two things. Either "designing" how a device will be modded, or "designing" a new mod. The way you worded it, it sounded like you were claiming credit for originally designing the mods, which isn't the truth.

We understand that you're just saying that it's what you "designed" the controller to look like, with "design" being used like in my first example and meaning that's how you wanted it to look.
We're just saying that it can be taken the wrong way, that's all.
No one's looking for a flame war, haha.

Misinterpretations aside, I'm sure that we can all agree that this is one insanely kickass controller mod!

After looking through the site, I'm really liking this. I may think something up and get a quote for it... The thought of spending $150+ on a controller freaks me out though.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 04:24:38 PM by PspKicks316 »

Offline Dracc

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 03:33:50 PM »
Sometimes my direct speaking voice comes across as accusatory in text. I was not suggesting that 802chives was nay saying my post, only that I wasn't worried about others doing so as I had clearly stated my intentions. I was most certainly not showing any disrespect towards a moderator.

Heh, if you think spending 150USD is too much, then I won't even tell you what I'm paying for mine. Though I can say that the prices are reasonable when you start adding material cost and work time. Of course doing it yourself is always going to be cheaper in the end, so modders will invariably scoff at the prices. I did the math and I decided to go for it. I just don't have the time to do it myself right now, but I do have the money :)

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2010, 03:57:15 PM »
Majority of us won't even have the skill, let alone the time to work on something like this ourselves lol


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Re: Custom Modded Fall Camo COD:MW2 Controller
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2010, 12:16:23 PM »
holy ass. dude the casings as buttons are sick :censored:. 12 out of 10


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