Author Topic: OCD MW2 Stimulus Pack Review.  (Read 2689 times)

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OCD MW2 Stimulus Pack Review.
« on: April 01, 2010, 03:51:17 PM »
Another Stimulus Pack Review

So, I was gonna post this, but treemty has already done an article, so here's my in-depth view and first impressions.


Apartment Complex. I didn't really get much of a chance to have a play on this, but there are a lot of loooooong sight lines as well as closed interior spaces. Good layout too. Plenty of low cover in the form of Walls and way too many doors. Good textures, but a lot less depressing than some of the other maps. Lots of neutral colors and funky wallpaper. There is some annoying retarded holes that are glowing red and orange which I found annoying. Overall quite well made.



After coming off Perfect Dark, I noticed hardly any changes in textures. Sloppy and blocky and grey, all a bit old and boring. Some of it isn't even continuous. There's a random gate that is suddenly orange and a large truck that seems rather out of place. However, the gameplay was good on the map, sort of like bailout on one level.



And so Infinity Ward continues it's newfound obsession with snow. After the dismal failure that is named 'Derail' this was actually a pleasant surprise. The visual quality is the best out of the new maps, and it's definitely the best on search and destroy. A lot more interesting shapes here. And the layout is much more aggressive, with a couple of high points and a lot of sneaky camping spots. The buildings are hives of acivity and the middle of the map is probably a good place to avoid. There is some confusing bits that you think you can climb up but can't, and vice versa. And also there is a house of someone with a Zakhaev an AK47 obsession. Otherwise, snowy.



My favorite sniper map is back. Definitely better than wasteland or *shudders* derail and afghan, there are actually large bits of grass and all the old jumping spots and rooves. Low Res bush textures at the end of the rivers and low res creepers at the neighbourhood spawn side. They are annoying. Some of the rooms have been redecorated, as has the open top floor of the collapsed building, a minigun in sniper attic, and a new red gas station.



More vibrant colours, same old map. There really isn't much to comment on but the second floor of the tower block which is now some sort of middle-class restaurant with drapes and stuff. Apart from that, not much has changed.



Final thought: The only new one I enjoyed was Salvage. I felt it was a bit of a waste for 1200 msp. If you're still sceptical, don't buy it until the price comes down. If you gave never played Call of Duty 4, GET IT NOW, 'cause that's where I'm about to go if Infinity Ward don't get some new gametypes and guns in soon.


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