Author Topic: Help needed for understanding pic  (Read 1509 times)

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Help needed for understanding pic
« on: April 03, 2010, 04:46:02 PM »
Hi AM.
I am learning pic programming and am trying to make a rapidfire/auto aim 360 controller using pic12f675, i am using mplab assembler.

The auto aim works a treat on cod games which is what i mostly play.

I am finding it hard to understand how the pic can bypass the firecap rate that is programmed into the game, upto now i have only mustered a fire rate equal to what a 555 timer can push out, ie, the ingame fire cap rate.

I dont want to use an f683 pic because i see there are lots of codes here already and if i use those i wont learn for myself.

Can someone please explain (in simple terms lol) How the pic can bypass the in game fire cap rate so i know where i am going wrong.

Any help would be most welcome.


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