i have 3 ways so far but seeing as though i only have 20 hours to make it they are listed in order of what i will do first
1. Simple SPST switch
2. LDR put into different ADC pins on a PIC each leg set to a different level and each leg is chosen by a rotary switch.(Or just into one leg and put a Variable resistor between ldr and leg (like this - - - -LDR - - - - - VarRes - - - ADC pin)
3. A remote(only if i have time)
I Will post a work log and diagrams just for you then kicks
also i'm having a go at my school they blocked AM and its been so useful in my lessons cuz i can jump on a comp search what i need and im sure FooKz or someone has answered xD
Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 07:14:10 AM
Any other ideas you have? and i'll put ur name into the tracks of the PCB or summin xD