Author Topic: PS3 modded with leds, about to add a pulsevu 2x, but need some advice  (Read 4090 times)

Offline madshaun1984

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Hi all, I'm new to the forum, but seeing some of the mods done here, I figured it would be the most practical place to ask for some help,

I have modded my ps3 with a few leds (12v led strips from maplins ) its nothing spectacular as I havent really got the funds at the mo to blow on this kind of mod (will be adding to it slowly over time)

But heres a youtube vid of how it is atm (made while doing the mod)

PS3 mod

I have also got a ccfl tube attached to the outside of the case, but thats powered externally, as I dont fancy having the invertor inside the ps3 or anywhere near it for that matter)

I have also just ordered a pulsevu 2x to be used on the ps3, but am aware that the voltage for the chip is only 5v and will probrably fry at 12v, so my question is, as my leds need at the very least 9v (but for brightness my preference is to use the full 12v recommended for the leds) would I be able to use the negative from the blurays power supply for the chip, but pull the 5v the chip needs from somewhere else? or does the chip have to be completely on the same curcuit as the leds? which would be both negative from the blurays power supply and positive 12v from the blurays power supply,

Its not really an option to use 5v for the leds, as they just dont light up enough to even shine through the case at that low a voltage.

Also my mod was done without making one hole in the the ps3's case, (not even to run wires) so when I do fit the PulseVU 2x, any idea's or suggestions on where to hide the button for the led mode changes woul dbe appreciated, (please bare in mind, im aiming to not need to cut or modify the ps3's casing in anyway so that this mod is completely revresable if I choose to sell it or whatever (I dont intend on selling it or that, but with a baby boy on the way (parters due in august :D) I just dont know at this stage if my circumstances will change enough for me to feel I need to sell it)

MadS :D

Offline alman101

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bro the negative of the LEDs won't even be connected to the blu-ray cable, the negative of the LEDs connects to the VU spot on the chip

'09 summer mod-off winner

Offline madshaun1984

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Right I got the pulsevu2x through thye post today, and have had a little look around for a decent wiring diagram for a ps3, but unfortuantly other than the posts made by alman101 when doing his ps3 led mod, I cant find any info, im a bit concerned about how im going to wire this in, as my leds are 12v but the pulsevu 2x can only handle between 3v-5v max, so rather than risk frying something, I thought I'd just ask for some more help.

Right now the only wires I have running to the leds are from the bluray power supply, negative pin 1, and positive 12v from pin3, im aware that the negative for the leds will be run to the VU pad on the pulsevu, and also that pin4 of the bluray power supply is 5v, so could be used instead of usb to power the pulsevu, but im not 100% on the remaining wires, could anyone shed some info on a recommended wiring setup?

My initial thought is to loop the - to VU pad, then from the VU to negative led? then wire the + pad to the bluray 5v pin4, would that work?

The reason im wondering about this, is that my leds have a positive 12v running through them from the bd power supply, and (I currently have no multimeter and cant get hold of one for a while) the worry is that the negative will have 12v getting to the VU pad on the pulsevu, which would cause it to fry.

MadS :)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 05:40:43 AM by madshaun1984 »

Offline alman101

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I made a how-to vid a week or so ago, check it out...

How To Wire a PulseVU 2X chip in your PS3

'09 summer mod-off winner

Offline madshaun1984

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damn, I didnt see your post till after I'd finished, but thankyou anyway, great tut :D

Heres my finished mod (cold cathode left off for demonstration purposes)

Ps3 pulse led mod take 2

And another with the cold cathode attached,


Thanks anyway for the advice, I'll be adding leds over time, so will post back with updates as and when :)

UPDATE :( I seem to have a problem, I noticed my leds were flickering abit when they shouldnt be (in fader mode) and it seems to clear when I put my hand near or on the mode switch, any idea's what could be cauing it to act like this? (when im touching the switch the lights fade on and off perfectly, the leds stay solid on and dim nicely) The switch is working to change modes.

Update 2 :) Solved the flickering issues while in fader mode, it turned out I had the mode switch's positive wire, going to the wrong pin on the switch, all sorted now :D

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 05:50:45 PM by madshaun1984 »


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