Author Topic: Wonder twin powers activate! Power of Google, Form of Verizon!  (Read 2315 times)

Offline TwisTtheTwiTcH

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The CEO of Verizon Lowell McAdam recently confirmed that a tablet would be created alongside Google, however a time-line or release date has not been elaborated on.

In a recent article from the Wall Street Journal with Lowell McAdam is quoted to have said “We’re looking at all the things Google has in its archives that we could put on a tablet to make it a great experience.”

Last year both companies signed a contract or partnership to develop a family of mobile devices. It was not made clear of what operating system would be supported by the devices, be it Android, or the Chrome Operating System.

Recently The New York Times reported that Google was working on a slate style Android tablet to compete with Apple’s new iPad. An example of what could be to come is the Archos Android tablet.

Google has recently released a statement with the following information: “Android is a free, open source mobile platform. This means that anyone can take the Android platform and add code or download it to create a mobile device without restrictions. The Android smartphone platform was designed from the beginning to scale downward to feature phones and upward to MID and netbook style devices. We look forward to seeing what contributions are made and how an open platform spurs innovation, but we have nothing to announce at this time.”



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