Author Topic: PSP chatpad issues  (Read 1018 times)

Offline ninjamonkey

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PSP chatpad issues
« on: May 23, 2010, 08:48:53 PM »
I have an issue. This weekend I made a better connection for my xbox/psp chatpad. It is now being recognized by the psp and flashes a few times while/ during the boot sequence. When I use the SIO tester, it doesnt work unless I mash a bunch of buttons at once. I've even turn on the pikey.prx files in the game, game150 and vsh.txt. Still nothing. I've tried a reinstall of the pikey a few times and nothing is working. Any help on what to do? Is there a specific keymap that I need for the xbox chatpad to work with the psp? I'am currently making a psp laptop sort of thing and this plus the hinges and putting it together are the last things to finish.

Edit: I currently can get it to show non-alphanumeric characters in the PSPadivancedSIO tester. To get it to do that, I need to push a bunch of buttons at once or slide my fingers up and down the chatpad.  The cluster of buttons that are picked up on the PSP are "L", comma, period and enter (when pressed together) and right, bksp and orange (when pressed together). Please someone help me. Im in the process of making a PSP laptop. Its almost done this is the more or less final thing to be done. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 06:36:13 PM by ninjamonkey »


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