Author Topic: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery  (Read 4971 times)

Offline GBlaster

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Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:02:27 PM »
For any of you who remember me for my Non-Pre-Programmed Rapid Fire chip, I have a little discovery.

I put up posts here and there saying that I wasn't going to be releasing the latest version of the Rapid Fire because I was simply too busy doing other things and that I was ready to put the Rapid Fire project down.


Literally 5 minutes ago, I may have stumbled onto something great. Something so great in fact that I had to bring it back up.

I believe I have officially reduced the Rapid Fire to a few basic components (about 4 or 5) that are easy to acquire. That's almost as little as the programmed chips! and get this... it all costs a couple of dollars (around like $5 or something like that).

I don't want to destroy anymore controllers testing this new idea that I'm 99% sure will work. But honestly, I have to take a chance. Say goodbye to expensive pre-programmed chips, this chip will take as much skill as programmed chips to install and cost way way way way way less. Just like I said when I made the original one, I'm sick of people getting ripped on Rapid-Fire Controllers.

 I know I've had promises on tutorials that haven't come out, so I won't promise a fancy tutorial on this one, but I WILL release this information once it's tested. I can't wait to get this one to all of you, this is a game changer. I'll make a video of the prototype so you all can see. Expect that in a day or two on my Youtube account.

PS This one is adjustable to any game you like.

UPDATE: Here is the video link

GBlaster's PS3 Rapid Fire v4049 (Proof of Concept)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 09:02:24 PM by GBlaster »

Offline RDC

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 07:51:54 PM »
Looks like a 4049 Hex Inverter setup as an oscillator.

What this lacks, the same with most other R/F setups on the PS3 controllers, is that it's not customizable at all aside from the speed, so no burst shots or anything beyond the basic on-off-on-off type of R/F, and it still needs an extra button to work, which is something some people would like to eliminate without having to give up the actual button's function in other games. Plus the 16 pin IC itself is far larger than an 8 pin 555 even with all of it's external components if it's built without a board.

You can make an oscillator or LED flasher with several different methods, some cheaper than this, and any of them can be used to turn a Transistor on-off, so this really isn't revolutionary in any way.

It'll work in the controller the same as any other basic R/F setup, but there's no real advantage to it at all. If you can afford a PS3 and games then the few bucks this would save over building a 555 setup or getting a PIC already coded up, and factor in it's size disadvantage, it doesn't really make it any better, but it's no worse for that matter either, just another way of doing it is all, and it's always nice to have more than one way to skin the cat.

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Offline GBlaster

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 08:55:24 PM »
I suppose your right in a way, but ever since the release of my 555 timer method, the main concerns people have had have been with the amount of components involved with the 555 setup. There is no more need for the 555 method with this anymore and it resolves any complaints or concerns with difficulty to create. If you have simpler ways of doing this with a non-programmed chip then I encourage you to share because this version (actually the third generation of non-programmed rapid fire from me) is going to be my last release with rapid fire.

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 10:20:40 PM »
A 555 in an Astable circuit is 5 components, the 4049 wired up as an Oscillator is 3 components, and people that can't solder up a 555 circuit are going to have similar trouble with the 4049 setup. Anyone can Google up Oscillators and find several different ways to make them and then apply that to making R/F, on pretty much any controller really.

I personally could give a toss less about R/F, it's not my thing at all to make a button press over and over and over again, and there are already way too many people spending their time on it as is, and in the end any oscillating setup, 555, 4049, etc, all work the same way and have the same limitations. I prefer too work on things like the CGnome and would like to do one for the PS3 controllers at some point, though they're quite a bit different animal in how they work on their button lines.
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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2010, 07:04:47 AM »
I prefer too work on things like the CGnome and would like to do one for the PS3 controllers at some point, though they're quite a bit different animal in how they work on their button lines.

CGnome would probably be easier on PS3.  I have written code for both xbox and PS3 rapidfire (no cutting traces on ps3 ;)) and PS3 is by far the easier controller to write code for.  I have written my own rapidfire with edit mode (see Intensafire) for each system, and the PS3 controller code is less then half the length of the xbox code and much more elegant. 

PS3 controllers can be %90 controlled by 2 Test Points... a couple minutes with an O-scope and it will tell all its secrets.

A 555 timer will provide basic rapidfire, however I dont think Gblaster will be able to improve on what he has done already other then maybe leaving out a component and compensating some how or changing oscillators to make design simpler. 

Bottom line is you will never get around cutting a trace and using a transistor or opto to achieve rapidfire on PS3 with an Oscillator.... well not never as it would be good digital design excercise, however not with only a couple parts and (1) 8pin chip.

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 08:13:35 AM »
PS3 controllers can be %90 controlled by 2 Test Points... a couple minutes with an O-scope and it will tell all its secrets.
Been there done that awhile back. ;)

..and I figure the D-pad, face and shoulder buttons will only be a 2 wire job, but that leaves out a whole lot of the controller that will have to be done the 'old fashioned' way to work properly, and even if you could boil it all down to less than half the work, time and money of the CGnome project it's still a whopper of one to get into, though I'd like too at some point.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 10:36:11 AM by RDC »
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline GBlaster

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 06:59:19 PM »
There is no doubt pre-programmed chips will always be easier and more customizable, but we've had that before I released the 555 method also. Keep in mind the original reason why I released the 555 method, it was to eliminate the need for people to buy chips from people online. Anyone near a Radioshack could go build the rapid-fire for themselves.

Maybe it's not a complete game changer, but considering some of the mail I've gotten from the 555 method, I think people would appreciate a change from 5 components to 3 components (and personally, layout wise, the 4049 is just way simpler to set up). Ultimately, the simpler the circuit design, the less problems people will encounter and that's my main concern.

Regardless, I must say the CGnome Project is a piece of artwork.

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 11:55:33 PM »
Thanks, much appreciated.

Also, don't get me wrong on the alternate method you're working on here, even though R/F isn't my thing, figuring out alternate ways of doing things is, and for anyone that can handle building this when they had issues with the 555 circuit it will be a good stepping stone for them to then go back to that and more complex things later on if they keep at it. The 555 chip is a very versatile thing and learning 3 or 4 of the more basic circuits it's used in will open people up to all sorts of other things, so it's all good. But remember, even if it's just 1 component with only 1 possible way it could ever go in there, someone is still gonna install it the wrong way and then gripe about it. ;)
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Offline GBlaster

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2010, 04:05:56 PM »
No doubt about that, if only I kept some of the messages I've been sent...  :whoosh:

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2010, 07:20:58 PM »
Personally, I think its way too much effort than the pay-off. Easiest method costs about $10 from Radioshack and has one speed. Second easiest method adds a variable pot to change speeds, but never exactly the same thing twice. After all the work someone puts into it, your left with a sub-standard operation. Yet for the same cash (or less) with alot less efort you can buy a pre-programmed from numerous places (not just Ebay) and you are looking at a simple 5 wire install with more functionality targeted at what people want the mod for in the first place (game specific).

I am all for the DIY community to learn things, but this is a step back. Quite a few steps back.

If you want to contribute, start looking at what RDC posted and get the ball rolling towards a better solution instead of making them do twice the work for something they wont be all that happy with in the end.

Hell, if you people want the secret. here it is:

Look at the O-scope picture posted. That signal occurs every 10 ms (100Hz or 100 times per second). If you wait for the signal to first drop down, you can then apply the rapdifire signal directly. The best way to do it is to monitor the signal to see if the trigger has been pushed. If it has, then change the PIC to output and force it back to a HI state. The pulses in the waveform last 500 usec per button, so make your RF pulses the same. After you do your RF, wait out the other button pulses and then start monitoring for the first pulse to re-occur (every 10 ms). The beauty of this is that the RF signal is split up in frequencies according to the 100Hz signals. Its all very cut-and-dry.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: Finally A New Rapid Fire Discovery
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2010, 10:08:35 PM »
well att this is great. but ps3 rf is a little harder that is sounds. if you dont get the first pule to trigger for the R1 from R2 you will shoot random and random buttons will rapidfire. if any of you can contribute for this cause PS3 R/F on R1 then im trying to get people to just help out a little. they are people who know how to do it or did that already. were just trying to see if were heading in the right direction thank you :)

hello, i started a new thread to mak a ps3 rapidfire from R ome true. but we need help! if you would like to contribute we have testeers :),37158.0.html


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