Author Topic: Final universe for Spider-man Shattered Dimensions revealed...  (Read 1683 times)

Offline Spriche

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Activision revealed yesterday that the final universe for the upcoming Spider-man Shattered dimensions is the Ultimate universes. For those unfamiliar, the Ultimate Spider-man series is a retelling of the story of Peter Parker, placing him in high school. This universe joins, the 2099, Nior, and Amazing universes. Although it may seem like a cop- out since it's so similar to amazing Spider-man, Beenox made sure the gameplay and art style were still very different. In the ultimate universe everything is heavily cell shaded and spidey is in the symbiote suit the whole time. So rather than web-slinging and using defensive gameply, he will have a more powerful, offensive move set. Head over to IGN for a full hands- on impression of the final universe. I for one am still a little apprehensive about this game, but at least it is doing something different with the spiderman license.



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