Author Topic: psp's probably most useful mod  (Read 1762 times)

Offline shinigami93

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psp's probably most useful mod
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:51:24 PM »
ok ive been thinking of a mod i can do 4 my psp fat. i took out its umd cause i download homebrew (legal)apps/games. i was thinking leds but thats been used so much and i want to use all the space. nobody cares enough to listen to my music so a giant speaker in the back was out of the question. But a psp that can last a full day is just what i need. so i searched and found something similar to this:
idk if some1 has tried this but it'd be cool if i can find their link.
it simply has an ON/OFF switch and input/output jacks so i can wire it to the inside. i hope its simple and that it fits.
tell me if you all think its possible/do-able/ already done

Offline Data Hacker

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Re: psp's probably most useful mod
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 04:19:34 PM »
so what exactly are you trying to do lol, put extra batterys or power in your psp? it can be done but not with the little space in the could always cut it or fit it into a bigger case. they have many accessories that will give the psp more power such as the one you linked us too on ebay.


oh if you took out the umd i dont know how much space that made, from what i remember the umd reader is very small or slim and wont make much space. maybe it made enough to fit something in..
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 04:21:34 PM by Data Hacker »

Offline Surge

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Re: psp's probably most useful mod
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 12:43:14 PM »
It has made quite a lot of space in my PSP Phat collection. In each Driveless mod I do I usually put a Memory stick storage spring into, That way you can switch from Memory Stick A to B easier than getting out some kind of case or your wallet all the time to swap them. The Drive is almost big enough for a 9 volt battery, Try taking one apart and making a Flat 9 Volt, it may help you make the PSP last 2-3 hours more, but you must put in a  switch and wire that to the charging circuit.
That way you won't have leaky leaky in the PSP. :w00t:

Remember, Battery and charging mods are liable to Frying the Backlight Fuse in the PSP. Be careful about it.

If you fry that, you have to bridge the fuse with a drop of solder. from then on you can not remove your screen once it is installed or else it's backlight will be killed upon removal.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 12:46:48 PM by Surge »


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