Hey, sorry this post has been posted many times before on this forum but it is about using the wlan switch to turn on and off LEDs. I am currently doing my 2nd mod which is the internal chotto go!cam mod. I have stripped down my psp camera and i know where to wire everything apart from the switch. Here is the wiring diagram:

The D(+) switch i am going to use the WLAN switch. I have found this:

blue-> solder 1 wire to both of them (this way wifi is always on and the function of the switch is turned off)
red -> Solder the negative wire to this point (when you put your wifi switch to the ''off'' position -> ''off'' is now on

your leds will turn on)
This is picture above is for turning LEDS on and off. I see that you have to bridge 2 connections so the WIFI is always on. The other point you need to put the negative wire on.... where do you put the positive wire? OF course i will not be putting positive and negative because i am not doing the LED mod. I am doing the internal cam mod. I just need the basic prinicable.
Please resond

Post Merge: July 28, 2010, 09:54:29 AM

help , i really want to start the mod