Author Topic: Nintendo announces the date,of an announcment, and Street Fighter 3DS screens!  (Read 3812 times)

Offline Spriche

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Following a trend of increasingly annoying instances in the gaming community, Nintendo has announced that it will reveal the price point and release date(in japan) of it's forth-coming next-gen handheld the 3DS on September 29th. I would have rather them not say anything now and just spring the news on us! Now I have to wait to hear about how long I have to wait! Ahhhhh! Just give me the thing or at least let me pre-order it! Oh, before I forget IGN also has some pretty impressive screen shots from Street Fighter 4 3DS. So now I'm even more excited! Let me know what you think about those screens.

I'm just going to throw my prediction out there now and say the 3DS will be out in Japan for this holiday season and we will get possibly get it in December as well, or more than likely February or March of next year and it will be 249.99. And it will create rainbows that steal things....okay not that last part.

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Screens
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 12:30:17 AM by Spriche »

Offline Kilokk

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250?! dammit all...

Offline AcidPSP

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$250? You can get a Wii cheaper. But considering i payed $250 for my first PSP, i guess its not too bad, but the games better be more impressive.

Offline Kilokk

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lol the DS has always been better than the PSP. this will just rape what little dignity it has left.

Offline jrfhoutx

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I could care less if or when it ever comes out and I really hope that this wave of 3D crap follows previous 3D trends and quickly sinks into oblivion... 3D tech is a total waste of time and money for such a lame gimmick. The R&D money could be far better spent.

The announcement of announcement dates is more lame than 3D imo... Yet another waste of time and money. Manufacturers and developers need to stop this :censored: and just make their consoles and games. If they didn't waste the time and money on this stuff they might be able to lower their price point. If consoles and games were less expensive they'd be able to sell far more units (and piss off fewer customers) with far less hype that just turns to disappointment when buyers realize the product doesn't live up to the hype...
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Offline Kilokk

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jrfhoutx, you can turn the 3D off on the 3DS.  if the devs DONT use the 3D component, it is apparently able to do low end 360 graphics.

Offline eNeRGy

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Nintendo is taking the PSP thumbstick thing lol.  Look at the 3ds pictures and tell me that that is not a PSP thumbstick.
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Offline Spriche

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The stick on the ds is less of a stick and more of a pad that slides around....that might explain why its called a slide pad. According to many hands on impressions it feels a lot better than the psp.

Offline TwisTtheTwiTcH

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The concept of a release date for the release date is really irritating, I like when they tell me when I can buy the thing when I find out about the thing. Perhaps that is just how I like things but press conferences cost companies money, and they are going to spend money on television advertising anyway why not just announce the release date.

Not to complain or anything, I just want to get my hands on it so I can... Tinker. Yea that is it tinker with it. XD I want a white one to be released, I had to wait to get a DSi because the color of the case bugged me. That might sound shallow but I simply couldn't pull off the blue and I really wanted a white one... XDDD


Offline jrfhoutx

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To Be honest I don't care if the 3D can be turned off. I remember 3D from the 80's, it was pretty much the same as it was in the 50's. I Know the new 3D tech is not the same as the old version. I've seen the new 3D, both in theatres and on TVs and I don't like it. It's a gimmick meant to distract you from the loss of quality in shows, movies and games. we lost quality gameplay to quality graphics and then we lost the replay factor to game length. We lost qualty in plot and character developement to bigger explosions and 'better' special effects. I see it all as an effort to lower true quality in products while increasing the cost of said product and getting people to be ok with paying more money for lower quality.

For lack of a better example off the top of my head, look at star wars. The original trilogy was (and still is for most) the superior set of movies. The original had good plot, character developement, dialogue, and (for the time) special effects. It had everything in spades. The prequel trilogy had poor plot and character developement, poor dialogue, but great special effects. Was that a trade off most people were happy to make? Not really, but everyone ate it up anyway but complained about it incessantly. Why? People wanted more star wars, but they wanted more of the orignal series not Lucas's hard-on for CGI. Same with Indiana Jones.

The focus is no longer on quality. And that's what I want. I do t buy many games anymore. Gaming is disappointing for me now. I used to get sucked into games and play for days. Now with most new games I get bored with them after a couple of hours. I don't go to many movies anymore, and why should I? I've seen most of these movies, and they were better 10 or 20 years ago when they weren't remakes. I have 3 360s, the last game I bought was L4D2, and I couldn't even tell you when was the last time I turned on a game console. Gone are the games, tv, and movies with true quality and groundbreaking ideas. Now we are just spoon-fed :censored:ty remakes of movies, games, and tv shows that can't hold a candle to the originals. I mean did we really need a remake of the :censored:ing Karate Kid?

Sorry for the rant but as of late I have been quite disgusted by most things headed in this same direction of high priced low quality garbage...
AcidMods Ninja... You won't know I'm there until you're gone...

All of these sigs are from the original acidmods sig comp...  @jrfhoutx  "No respect, no respect at all... that's the story of my life." --


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