Author Topic: guitar hero mod  (Read 1127 times)

Offline The End of A Heartache

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guitar hero mod
« on: August 09, 2010, 09:55:51 PM »
Once again i have returned..sorry i completely lost my password and was or have been lazy and didn't reset it till now..

anyways I've been in and out of contracts with companies and small residents people so I've been busy

As it stands I am done, I am taking a break and want to work on something other then Napping and going to the beach.. since I'm partly dry and somewhat strap for cash -.- what little i do have i went and bought some materials for this new mod

its really nothing great, a former friend/contractor was gonna throw away a no name second rate guitar for an XBOX360 and i took it for myself since i really don't have an XBOX but do have the usb conversion for my computer i wanted to make this old thing FLASHY!

BTW its not wireless

the issue with this controller is basically the connection cord has a fray or break inside.. i really don't want to operate on it to fix it so i will do one better, i have a gameshark xbox controller i can use the same cable just splice where i cut it off.

my plans:
color changing body
costum paint (Not the entire thing)
LED activated bottons
Under glow of the flap area (where you pick on the strings if it was a real guitar)

So far i have order a x50 pack of slow fading RGB leds and awaiting them in the mail

i have tooken the body and neck area apart and tooken off the pick guard
since the guitar came with stickers i had the wonderful duties of actually scraping those damn things off -.- 1 hour process.. i don't have any rubbing alcohol or nails so i used a flat head screwdriver and time

What i need to know is there is ant Great tutor on wiring LED's to the neck board so i can either have the LED on till the bottons pressed or have them off till the bottons are pressed

also if anyone knows the voltage running through the neck and body or an easy connection point.. ill post picture of the whole internal wiring including the boards .. i have issue pin pointing a good source

well i did a search and found this

Issue being this seems way to messy and though its very simple and produce a good result i don't  have one thing .. the copper tape...

:/ anyone has a way around it... i was thinking of soldering the positive connection to positive terminal on the neck board and then finding ground else where... maybe do it backwards cause i might cause a jump which is not wanted
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 10:12:15 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

random is fun

Offline toadzilla

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Re: guitar hero mod
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 10:29:25 PM »
not that i know muchg about the guitars i  wish u the best a luck with the mod


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