Author Topic: Re: XBox Led swap w/pics 56K WARNING by redryno1221  (Read 1597 times)

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Re: XBox Led swap w/pics 56K WARNING by redryno1221
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:23:57 PM »

Xbox 360 Controller L.E.D. Swap

This is a very easy tut that was made for anyone who wants to swap leds in a Xbox 360 controller, while minimizing the chances of messing up.

Parts Needed
  • 0603 Led
  • Xbox 360 controller

Tools Needed
  • Torx security allen wrench (Try to find one on ebay, look up xbox screwdriver :hifive: ))
  • Solder
  • Soldering Iron (I used a 20 watt)
  • Small Pliers

  • Helping hands (Or a magnifying glass)
  • Knife

Difficulty rating: X/5

Average Time to Complete: i.e 30-45mins

What makes it difficult ie special screw needed to open
Step By Step Tutorial
1- First get your controller that should look something like this...
2- Now take out the battery and take out the obvious screws
3- Then find the hidden screw found here...
4- After that open the controller from the very tip of the handle (slowly)...
5- And slowly pick it up towards the Left and Right triggers...
6- Once uncovered you'll need to remove the rumble motors...
7- Set the motors aside and hold the charging port and headset jack and wiggle it until the board comes off...
8- Then set the cover aside and should look like this...
9- Now remove the joystick grips...
10- VERY CAREFULLY melt the solder on both sides of the led you are going to swap
11- After a couple times put very little pressure on one side then the other until the led slowly comes off of the contacts...if you put too much pressure you can/will completely take the contact off...
13-Test it. Swap the rest off the Leds and follow the directions backwards to put the control back together and enjoy!!!

  • ie: Led doesn't lit up

« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 08:44:18 AM by laxboy »


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