Author Topic: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac  (Read 21379 times)

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Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« on: August 25, 2010, 03:13:35 PM »
Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac

Because of my avatar, several people have ask me to write a tutorial on how to put the LEDs in the triggers of a Slim PSP, especially since nearly all tutorials are for a Phat PSP. I thought a tutorial would be very difficult to write because of the skills level required to pull off the mod, so I decided on this "mini-tutorial" instead. The way I see it, if you can't figure out how to do this mod by simply looking at these pictures, then you're skills level is probably too low to try this mod right now. Your skills level must be raised first. Start by learning how to solder. I have a downloadable tutorial that can help you learn how to solder correctly. If you're interested, PM me and I'll send it to you.

Parts Needed
  • wire
  • resistors
  • 603LED

Tools Needed
  • Solder Iron
  • screw driver

Difficulty rating: 3/5

Average Time to Complete: i.e 1.5-2 hours

LED s are extreamly hrd to solder to
NOTE: Your level of your understanding is directly proportional to your level of experience with these types of modifications. If you do not understand this guide, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS MOD!!! You have been warned.

Step By Step Tutorial

That's my daughter's Phat PSP on top with the Yellow/Orange shoulder buttons and mine is the Slim on bottom with the Blue shoulder buttons. The Slim was easy compared to the Phat. I wired the Slim so that when the WLAN switch is turned off, the shoulder buttons are off, and when the WLAN switch is on, the shoulder buttons are on. I tried to wire my daughter's Phat the same way but the Phat isn't built the same way as the Slim. I couldn't find a source that only had voltage when the WLAN switch was on.

WARNING: These pictures are for a Slim PSP Only!!!

I didn't use resistors in my design because, a) I used a 2.5v source, and b) my LEDs are connected so that when the WLAN switch is turned on, the LEDs are on. When the WLAN switch is off, so are the LEDs. This makes it where your LEDs will only be on if your WLAN is on and gives you the opportunity to turn them on and off at will. Here are some pictures of the insides of my PSP with this mod installed:

These first two pictures will show where I put my LEDs:
(I used hotglue to secure them in place)

I had to "cut away" some of the excess plastic so the LEDs would fit right.

There's a piece of white plastic on the bottom of the shoulder buttons of the Slim.
This next picture will show you how I cut a hole in each shoulder button.

On these trigger buttons, I used a razor knife to "carve" a hole in the bottom of each
one to expose the bottom of the transparent part of the trigger, although, on my
very first PSP, I used a drill, set on slow speed, to drill a hole through the white
plastic (make sure the trigger button is secured so you don't drill into your finger).

This picture shows where I ran my wires:

Make sure you put a piece of black tape over the Anode (+) connection to
prevent the metal screen casing from shorting on the (+) solder connection:

close the PSP back up and enjoy
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 03:18:07 PM by laxboy »

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 01:27:32 AM »
I didn't understand where you have soldered wires and why

Offline luisbk2005

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, 11:15:53 PM »
this is not detailed enough for me to perform, where exactly are the wlan on/off solder points?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 11:16:29 PM by luisbk2005 »

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 08:53:12 AM »
can anyone post more details on this? im attempting to do this, but im going to need a little bit more info or at least better pictures.
if i connect the wires to another led in the middle of the d-pad and on the other trigger another led with wire going to the middle of the buttons, then both connecting to the middle point,so they all light up, will that work?

Offline sibie

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 11:07:32 PM »
not to necro post or anything but i realy need helpxD with this mod, does the WLAN switch still turn the WIFI on as well as the LED's?

Also, could could you post a more in-depth and detailed tut with pics?


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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 10:40:06 AM »
not to necro post or anything but i realy need helpxD with this mod, does the WLAN switch still turn the WIFI on as well as the LED's?

Also, could could you post a more in-depth and detailed tut with pics?


This isn't really a tutorial, it's more of a guide. It's impossible to make a tutorial for everybodies needs, because everyone will be using something different. If you use red leds, the tutorial will be different through blue leds. It's just a general guide. I suggest you learn some about resistance and electricity? before you try this to make sure that your mod lasts you.

The WLAN can or can not. If you bridge the two points on the WLAN switch, then it will always be on. If you don't, it will turn both the wifi and the leds on and off.

If you look closely where he soldered his postive wire, it's to a point on the board that gives off 2.5v.  So you will need to you a resistor calculator for the leds that you are using if this is too much voltage, and add a resistor to either the negative or positive wire leading to your leds. If it isn't enough, you will need to find a different point with greater voltage.

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2011, 09:44:48 PM »
This is a great topic. Best one out there. I just love the idea of being able to turn the lights on and off. And id love to get started on this. And i was wondering if you could take a closer picture on the solder points on the board itself. It would be greatly appreciated.

Offline sinrockets

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Re: Install LED in Triggers of Slim PSP by Phrotac
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2015, 04:22:26 AM »
Interesting, i got a psp off of ebay for 15$ us and it said it was untested and ended up being like new. did what i need to do with it and now im thinkin maybe making it a little cooler this might be what i do lol, will post pics if i decide to do it :tup:

EDIT, i did do it and used alternate power points. turned out very nice if i say so myself!

« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 03:04:36 PM by sinrockets »
If it aint broken, MOD IT!
1 Reg gamecube/ One with sd mod and Full size dvd-r mod
1 phat bc with extra fan in psu & leds | 3 PS3 Slims
1slim running 4.70 cfw, with fan controller and breathing leds[/color]


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