Author Topic: Nintendo DS USB By Cyberpyrot  (Read 6521 times)

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Nintendo DS USB By Cyberpyrot
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:40:09 AM »
    Nintendo DS USB By Cyberpyrot

    In this tutorial we will be going over how to do the Ds USB mod.

    Parts Needed
    • iWire
    • Mini USB female

    Tools Needed
    • Soldering Iron
    • Solder

    Difficulty rating: 3/5

    Average Time to Complete: 30-45mins

    Step By Step Tutorial

    Here is the wiring chart for the USB Port for the Nintendo DS D-Pad? Make a note which wire is which so you don't have to keep opening it up to look.For this mod you will need a 5 Pin female type A mini USB port you can find them in our E-Store?. You will need to solder the wire directly to the pad don't worry if you get a small mound of solder on one side just add solder to the other side as well. I found this make the d-pad more responsive anyway..

    Here is the wiring chart for the USB Port for the Nintendo DS Face Buttons Make a note which wire is which so you don't have to keep opening it up to look.For this mod you will need a 5 Pin female type A mini USB port you can find them in our E-Store?. You will need to solder the wire directly to the buttons don't worry if you get a small mound of solder on one side just add solder to the other side as well. I found this make the Face Buttons more responsive anyway..

    Here is how you will need to route the wire for this mod. Also you will need a special Tri Wing screwdriver you can purchase them at Also while your doing this mod now is a great opportunity to trick out your DS further by buying a NDS shell from coolmods as well..

    In this Picture you can see I have both USB ports hot glued and ready to close the DS to finish up this mod

    This is where the D-Pad? Hole needs to be cut for the Mini type A USB port female.

    To keep things uniform I used this pin assignment so all my attachments will work with both ports..

    There are currently two Adapters for the USB add on Port the tilt sensor and the 8 Directional joystick both of which are interchangeable with the DS and PSP.

    Please note Acid mods was the first to develop this mod. If you see anyone claiming to have created this mod please set them strait. If you repost this mod anywhere else be sure an give proper credit to AcidMods. By developing new and exciting mods is how we get new members and if other site steal our work then they are just stealing our members. So in the long run we want our community to grow and we can only achieve this by developing new stuff and spreading the word..
    « Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 06:44:12 AM by laxboy »


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