Author Topic: guys, I need your help  (Read 1943 times)

Offline Kenshinffx

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guys, I need your help
« on: September 18, 2010, 08:30:34 AM »
to my old Team,  You guys have come really far,  Often you asked me for things but now I need help from you guys..

I've come to a point where my skills are lacking,  I've reached the top of my Skill set in Art since I can';t figure out the Photorealistic Design techniques that Hidden, Indychav, Blazin and such are using.  The effects that made a 2-D image have actual depth,  and real lighting effects in a Sig.

reading tutorials isn't teaching me anything,  nor do I really have anything to look up that I know of that would really help.

I can't possibly get better or meet any demands unless I can learn these techniques since it's what all the best artists are using now,  Lighting effects and Depth are something I can't figure out.

If it involves brushes then I'll never figure it out,  since I can't really paint and don't like using brush techniques.  But I urge any of you,  specially the three I mentioned, to come forth and get with me on messenger or maybe even on the phone and talk me through this,  Teach me and help me,  I want to get back into this again..

I may pick up soldering too,  not sure..

any takers?  I'll give you a way to contact me.

Offline HiddenVenom

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Re: guys, I need your help
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 10:39:56 AM »
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but I'd he happy to help.

IMHO i don't really pay much attention to depth and lighting... i just get the contrast looking good and the brightness k and then change anything i don't like.... but if you gave me an example of work with depth, and then some of yours that you feel that doesn't... i may be able to help a bit more.

Offline Kenshinffx

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Re: guys, I need your help
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2010, 11:58:16 AM »
Anything that Blazing has put out recently,  All of Indychavs,  A lot of the artists here can do it bro, 


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