Author Topic: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260  (Read 7304 times)

Offline yngmike

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Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« on: September 25, 2010, 08:22:28 PM »
All, this is the first place this is being posted, for the simple fact this is the place I learned to mod my PSP.

All I can say is holy crap it worked!!!!!

This is the first original thing I've ever done!!!!

Now I will say that this is due to the latest exploit release by shuffle2.

####e Edit #######

Video added for proof

Psgroove ported to Sandisk Sansa e260 v1 (compatible with e200 v1)

Basically this is a simple process (if you know what your doing from the get go)

I installed Rockbox 3.6 from the installer on my Sansa e260

You will need Linux to do the following (I used Unbunto 10.10)
Then proceeded to patch the source files follow the guide here.

You will need to patch the files first then compile and extract to your player (/.rockbox)

Then use the normal psgroove startup routine (power off, power button, eject button)



#### Edit ######

note the Sansa e260 is the same as the e200 (There is a different procedure for the e200r (rhapsody released version) please refer to compilation noted for e200r


Ok I'll make this a bit easier on everybody..

Install Rockbox 3.6 from the installer (this version was compiled for V1 (check your sansa FIRST or it will semi brick it) Firmware V1 starts with 1.xxxxxx under settings  about or something like that

Then extract the following zip file to the root of your player (must be in USB mode MST).. and whala you have a PGROOVE USB dongle.

Compiled Rockbox with PSgroove mods for Sansa e200v1 and Sansa e260v1

Note you have to power off and unplug your PS3 and reboot the sansa.

remove all other USB devices then plug in and power on the PS3 (with Sansa already plugged in and on). Then hit power, then eject on the PS3... The system should boot into PSgroove mode... If it doesn't it will says something like unrecognized usb device or something.. but this has been tested on an e260 to work just fine.

Fuze and clip have been temporarily removed due to *unintentional overlooked issues with USB blocking*

« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 09:28:29 PM by yngmike »

Offline whitetop

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 07:20:00 AM »
why are there guide to stuff that don't work if you updated sony already said they have stopped this and people still think they can use it dame people are getting to cheap these day buy the game instead of saying its for homebrew cos we know what its for.

ps more work needed on guide
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Offline yngmike

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 09:45:53 AM »
Of course its not a complete end to end guide, heh I had to figure it all out on my own..

Shuffle2 just released the patch file and I had to figure out the rest. But it does work on PS3 Slim FW 3.41 Just fine... Sony did do some patching of the USB framework for the PS3 on ver 3.42. I'm sure the folks over at PS groove will be able to alter the payload enough to get it to work eventually.

And whitetop, your entitled to your opinion about homebrew/vs piracy... but, haven't you ever done something just because your weren't allowed? Didn't after being told no, just make you want it more? Well getting unsigned code to run on a PS3 is quite an achievement, especially when I didn't just order a $40 psbreak avr key...

If its just for piracy, do you think somebody would go to the lengths of learning SCE's SDK and the C programming language, not to mention all the Linux skills required,  just to copy games?... Anybody who know's C already makes enough to buy whatever games they want.

Offline geraldrubalcava

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 09:58:22 AM »
i agree. in another post ive bin keeping up to date with all the ports of psgroove. but wow! a port for the psp. So is this port conformed working? good! ive heard this was the hardest port that they have bin trying to port since day1. but if you have a ipod nano 1g, or ipod video, or even an arduino, you could run psgroove. Hum about piracy, the original psgroove deactivated "backup manager" but its free for any homebrew so there should not be concerned with copying games. i would love to have emulators for classic games. i don't think Nintendo is losing money for a super Mario game they sold over 20 years ago. lol jood job for the info tho :)

Offline yngmike

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2010, 10:16:32 AM »
i agree. in another post ive bin keeping up to date with all the ports of psgroove. but wow! a port for the psp. So is this port conformed working? good! ive heard this was the hardest port that they have bin trying to port since day1. but if you have a ipod nano 1g, or ipod video, or even an arduino, you could run psgroove. Hum about piracy, the original psgroove deactivated "backup manager" but its free for any homebrew so there should not be concerned with copying games. i would love to have emulators for classic games. i don't think Nintendo is losing money for a super Mario game they sold over 20 years ago. lol jood job for the info tho :)

Sorry don't know where you got PSP from, but this is for the Sandisk Sansa e200v1/e260v1 MP3 player.  The main issue I think with porting to PSP is that kernel level drivers for the USB port have yet to be developed.

The reason they (usb drivers) haven't been developed so far is because the main thing they would be needed for would be flash drives etc.. but the PSP is a slave device and so are flash drives.. So until kernel level drivers for the PSP USB are created I would say no PSGroove for PSP..

The main group working on that has given up.

This is confirmed working on my Sansa e260.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 10:18:43 AM by yngmike »

Offline whitetop

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2010, 11:03:01 AM »
this group has been around for year learning c is easy but they don't use c on the ps3 if they used c the ps3 would have been hacked the same as the xbox with in 3 months of being on shelf's on the new fw they stopped the usb loading any stuff but there's but with 3.50 coming all this stuff will be no good and don't see anyone holding back from going online till something does come out. why you think geohotz gave up ( yes gave up) sony are always right behide hackers.

and all the groove and other stuff thats being done is just to do piracy on the ps3 no one cares about home brew just like the xbox xbox 360 ps2 ect. but yes everyone has there own opinions 
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Offline semitope

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2010, 09:14:22 PM »
this is weird. People said the fuze v1 and clipv1 could not be done. Is the fuze upload u have for the v1 and have u tested it?

this group has been around for year learning c is easy but they don't use c on the ps3 if they used c the ps3 would have been hacked the same as the xbox with in 3 months of being on shelf's on the new fw they stopped the usb loading any stuff but there's but with 3.50 coming all this stuff will be no good and don't see anyone holding back from going online till something does come out. why you think geohotz gave up ( yes gave up) sony are always right behide hackers.

and all the groove and other stuff thats being done is just to do piracy on the ps3 no one cares about home brew just like the xbox xbox 360 ps2 ect. but yes everyone has there own opinions

I care about homebrew. Sure I will DL a crap load of games that I will never actually play but I am more excited about what other cool stuff i can do with the ps3 now.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 09:23:28 PM by semitope »

Offline yngmike

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2010, 09:29:31 PM »
The fuze and clip have been removed. I did realize I had some issues with the USB..

It has to do with the USB port and not supporting blocking

Offline semitope

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 09:30:18 PM »
well that sucks. All hope gone.

Fuze and clip have been temporarily removed due to *unintentional overlooked issues with USB blocking*

Does this mean you think it is possible and the problem is only temporary? Was is a fuze v1 or v2 that you were working with? Did you test it first and have some effect on the ps3 at all?

Sorry for all the questions. lol. This is the only place I see someone actually working on a fuze/clip
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 09:35:28 PM by semitope »

Offline yngmike

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Re: Psgroove ported to Sansa e260
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 06:31:07 AM »
Well the USB driver/chipset needs to support the use of non-blocking usb functions. Which I am unsure about. I don't have one. If I get it to compile (which is doubtfull) I will post it.


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