i think this is one of my coolest mod so far.
with a distance alarm mod to prevent lost/theft.
6 sound reactive leds.
umd door modded with plexi glass.
4white leds.
1 receiver in the PSP, soldered 2 green leds in the speakers holes to indicate the alarm on or off.

video testing it.
PSP with distance alarm.minute 0.38: wifi switch off, 4white leds turned on. as you can see the 2 leds in the speakers hole blink to indicate the alarm is on.
minute1.09: turned the transmitter on. as you can see i airbrushed the case to match the colours of the housing, i also use green leds as the indicator

minute 1.23: i take away the psp, when the psp is far enough the transmitter will vibrate and tells you the psp is far from you, you can adjust the range from 1meter - 5meter. theres a variable resistor by the side of the transmitter.
minute 1.58: when the psp is near, the transmitter will be back to normal.
minute 2.11: now in case the thief got smart and watched this video and know how to turn off. if the thief turns off the receiver when the transmitter is on, the transmitter will vibrate and tells you is psp alarm was forcefully turned off.
minute 2.20: now the thief triggered the alarm, he thinks if he turn on back the receiver, the transmitter would be silent again right?... wrong... you can see only the person who is holding the transmitter can shut it off.

i will finish this project tomorrow