*Here I bought CR-5400, I took this apart intentionally, for AM fellas

Did anyone tried to parallel CR-5400?????
Here, I tried but end up in some frustrating issue,
please have a look at inside CR-5400,
simple and easy to do if you willing to parallel it,

But let's take a look where we going to solder each wires,
I tried with another of my slim, and the result was unsatisfying...
The reason is, weird...
please take a look at the 6th line from the bottom,
corner lines are suppose to connect to the ground by default,
but the 6th line, even I tried so many times (with careful soldering)
strange, it was connected, but this is the only line that makes my PSP frozen
in the beginning (no start up)
after I remove the connection (cable) it works again...

don't know what is the problem...